Gospel Reflections for June 14 2020
What kind of world do you live in?
January began with a new virus from China which swiftly spread to the whole world.
There were warnings, travel restrictions, and then businesses, schools, and even churches were shut down. We stayed at home, wore masks, and social distanced from everyone. We watched cases and deaths tragically increase, and their terrible impact on jobs and our economy.
Just as we began to open up, a horrible video of the fatal use of force on an already subdued black suspect by a white officer inflamed passions everywhere.
While everyone instantly condemned that violent act with peaceful protests, smaller anarchist groups later jumped in with their own violent program to loot businesses and attack shopkeepers…who were just hoping to open again.
Now some cities consider defunding or even removing police departments, while others seek much better training. Everything also becomes part of the presidential campaign as well. Quite a mess!
So what kind of messy world do you live in?
You live in a world that Jesus freely chose to enter and walk with you personally! He arrived in Bethlehem knowing full well the evil of violence and how far it had spread since Adam and Eve …and would to our day as well. Nevertheless, Jesus arrives here for your sake!
James Madison, the author of our constitution wrote, “If men were angels there would be no need for government.” Well, many are not angels so you need a government and police force, and a loving Savior of your soul.
Far from avoiding all our messy problems, Our Lord wanted to come here to show a way that offers peace and lasting happiness right here and now. He taught you to pray, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done …on earth as it is in Heaven.” He wants you to experience His kingdom of love right here and now!
He designed the Mass as His presence of love with you right here and now, and to receive Him at communion where He becomes your source of love, hope, courage, and peace at this messy time.
The early Christians were surrounded by an enormously evil Roman Empire and yet within a few generations, the whole Empire converted to Christ!
The Eucharist is the power the early church found that can change the world you live in too …one person at a time. Decide today at this mass to be that person.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Thank you for your very kind words!
The Mass we say each and every day starts with, Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
Being aware of this leaves room for improvement. Incumbent on each of is to be aware of where we fall short and improve how we treat each other.
Watching the Graduation at West Point of these Men and Women of every race,color and creed reminds me of the debt we owe to being Citizens of this Country and Members of
Our Catholic Faith.
Let us resolve to be Better with the Grace of God And frequent reception of Our Saviors Body and Blood
Beautifully written, Tom. I also saw the West Point graduation. The camera spent a lot of time showing the different faces among the graduates, and it was an amazingly diverse group!
We are blessed to be Catholics and your homily expresses it so well. I just pray that during these turbulent times the Holy Spirit is reaching people’s consciences making them see how we have turned away Jesus and how we need Him back in our world and culture today. That is what is missing all around the world as well as America.
Thank you Father Dave.
Stephanie Toland
You are very welcome!
Thank you, Father Dave, for reminding me that God is in charge!!
Yes, God is in charge!
Fr Dave thank you for your great words – to the point as always ! For we truly need faith & prayer right now it is so missing in all this anger.. With the grace of God we will get back on track in each state & with our police to protect us too!! God Bless them all! Not an easy job! So May we continue to have faith in him for this difficult time in history of health issues & political issues God will see us through!
Well said! I am sure our country will get through the present circumstances. Good always wins out in the long run.
Loved this precious Homily!! Dick and I want to be those persons to change the world one person at a time!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it and love you for doing just that!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca aned Dick
You both already are!
Father Dave!!! You bring us joy!!!!
You are welcome!
What kind of world are we in? The world where less than 25% of Catholics attend mass and lots of those don’t believe in the Holy Presence!! How choking is that? I certainly don’t have the answer on how to fix that problem , but it surely makes me think that we in the Catholic faith have failed to share our faith in a meaningful way. Even the 25% that goes to Mass does not really live the Gospel! They don’t have the Joy of the Lord that would show others that Jesus is alive in them.
Yes, I believe God is in charge but I see the devil in our world having a blast!!
So, what we can do is pray, pray, pray.! Pray without ceasing as the Bible tells us. For Peace, for our priests, for those who believe to share their faith as Commanded we do in the Gospel. The Church exists to preach the Good News. Meet Jesus in the Bible because He is waiting for us there..
Yes, I agree!