Gospel Reflections for June 12 2016
Mary Magdalene is our Patron Saint!
Today’s Gospel has two stories that reference two women. Are they the same person? Some say yes, and some say no. Yet, both women are important to us.
The first story describes an anonymous “sinful woman” who is profoundly repentant and anoints the feet of Jesus. He, of course, recognizes her sorrow immediately and warmly welcomes her. While others in the scene look down on her, Jesus sees her with different eyes, the same way that He looks at each of us when we are sorry for our sins and desire to change.
The second story is even more powerful, and conveys that power in fewer verses. These verses mention Mary Magdalene, one of the most controversial figures in the New Testament. Because of the proximity of the verses, some have said that the “sinful woman” in the first section and Mary Magdalene are the same. The Gospel does not make that clear.
However, everything we need to know about Mary is revealed in two phrases about her, and what it indicates is far worse. The Gospel says she is both a follower of Jesus, and that she had “seven evil spirits expelled” from her by Our Lord. What does that mean?
There are many Gospel stories where Jesus expels just one evil spirit from a person. This Gospel describes Mary has having seven! That is really bad! We know in the ancient world that numbers had special symbolism. The number “seven” represented “perfection.” That means the Gospel author meant to convey that, well …Mary Magdalene was “perfectly bad!”
Yet, the Gospel also clearly says that Jesus had expelled these demons from her and that she then became His follower. How wonderful is that!
Even if a person has led a life of perfect badness there is always the abundant grace of God available to change, repent, and return to a life of holiness. Mary Magdalene chose that grace and so truly is the patron saint of us all.
None of us can ever say it is too late to change. None of us ever can say God would never forgive someone like me. None of us can ever say that we can never change. If a “perfectly bad person” like Mary Magdalene can change, then so can we.
Mary Magdalene went on to become one of the most revered and trusted followers of Christ. She is even the first person to witness the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday and the first to bring the news to the Apostles.
Let us each receive that same grace to bring the person of Jesus to others as well.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Image: Public domain work of art.
.Wishing you the best for your Holy Land trip……and hoping you have the time to continue these weekly reflections once you are settled in at St Bruno’s. Thank You.
The weekly reflections will certainly continue, even while I am in the Holy Land!
Hi Father Dave,
I believe when Mary Magdalene was healed of her demons and sin, she was shown
the seven holy virtues and started living a life of goodness…It’s something we can all learn from…
God is good…
Yes, I think that is true about her. Her gratitude was the engine that propelled her to great spiritual heights.
My daughter Angelique says Dad I didn’t believe it was possible to change until I saw for my eyes what you’re becoming. It was last year and My three teenagers came from AZ to CA for a 10 day visit so they had to do what dad does or stay home with grandma & grandpa. Tuesday take a friend holy communion at the Sunflower Homes. Wednesday visit the sick at the Roland Convalescent. Than volunteer the weekend at the retreat house for Jesus. Special day on Saturday was watching Sister Nancy do her perpetual vows for Sisters of Notre Damme and give her a bouquet of flowers my daughters were in tears. You see their Dad use to drink, smoked, & gambled and would give them cash and things so he could do his thing. So AA said to find God and I seek him on a daily basis. I surrender every morning looking at the Crucifixion on my knees Our Father, Hail Mary, & Glory Be giving thanksgiving to Our Lord. In my day ahead make time for a Holy Hour pray a rosary and do a Chaplet of divine mercy. There’s also an app on my phone which lets me know where I will be able to attend Holy Mass depending on work schedule and daily duties. There are Masses early morning and nights there are no more excuses not to receive Holy Communion every day. The Lord gives me so much strength when I receive The Eucharist. My life is to be a servant of God and please him everyday. If I try hard to align myself to his will with constant praying with Jesus and the intercession of Our Blessed Mother my eyes see miracles around the people’s that are placed in front me in my life. Yes there’s 7 bad spirits and I rebuke them everyday. I trust in You Jesus!!!
” God Love You ”
Servant of God joe j serrano
You have written a magnificent message outlining a remarkable spiritual journey! Thank you so much for sharing it. Yours is a truly inspirational message that Mary Magdalene would certainly understand and love. God bless you, and your whole family!
I think Mary Magdalene is one of the best role models in the Bible. She embodies all of us, in that none of us is perfect, but we have the potential to be a better person, every day.
If we see examples like Mother Teresa, you certainly admire her, but you feel really overshadowed by her “goodness” and selflessness. You see someone like Mary Magdalene and you think, even as a sinner, Jesus saw potential in her and she embraced that and became a better person for it.
Have a great and safe Holy Land Trip. We certainly enjoyed last years’ journey.
Yes, I agree that Mary Magdalene is more of a patron saint for us. She tells us that God can make all things new!
Lovely commentary Father Dave!! One of the most beautiful gifts Jesus has given to us is the gift of forgivess!!Mary Magdalene is a precious model to us of falling from God’s miracle grace and returning so beautifully with true sorrow and the gift of forgiveness is given!!! We have a precious, miracle Faith of love!! To receive our Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and be forgiven for our sins is the beauty in living our life here on earth!!! We must respect all Faiths but to Dick and myself there is only one true Faith and its ours!! How blessed are we!!!We have fond memories of our fabulous trip with you to Israel!!!Enjoy, for you and Jesus are one and you touch sooooooooooooooooooomany hearts with His miracle LOVE!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
I do like vowels for they have heart!!!! hahahahaha!!!
You bring me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much joy!!!!!
Your explanation about the meaning of the number “7” affected me deeply. Thanks for helping me make the connection. God’s Love and Grace is perfect and available to each of us. This has never been as clear to me as it is now after reading your remarks.
The story of Mary Magdalene is an accounting of the overwhelming mercy and
forgiveness that Jesus has for all of us!!
In gratitude to the Lord Mary Magdalene ministered to Him to the end.
What a story of forgiveness and Love!
With a caring attitude for others we pray for the day when we will all be united
with the Lord in His loving embrace.
Fr Dave
I have always been fascinated by Mary Magdelene. It is interesting how Jesus forgave all of her sins. It makes me realize no matter how sinful I am, God’s love is unconditional. Do you know what ever happened to her after the death of Jesus?
This is one of my favorite scriptures for obviouse reasons. When I came back to the church after being in a Charismatic Church for 10 years I really found no need for confession. After hearing our new Bishop talking at St. Rose about confession I new that it was to be part of my life. Just to hear the Priest pray absolution it is saying “YOU ARE FORGIVEN is something we all need to here. It is so freeing.
I read Joe’s response and what a beautiful witness. I used to go to Mass daily and miss it and if I ever get a car again, my intention is to go daily again. There is such a blessing in receiving daily.
Have a wonderful and blessed trip this year in Israel. Can’t wait to hear a follow-up on it.
Thank you! as always, it was very meaningful to walk in the footsteps of Our Lord.
What an inspirational scripture! Mary Magdalene reminds us we are all human with our blemishes and imperfections. Sometimes I think to myself that I am not a “model” Catholic and become impatient with my shortcomings. But then I remind myself that if our Lord expected perfection, He would have created us as such. However, our Lord created us as finite beings in His image. We can always aspire to be greater through Christ. The sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion avail all the nourishment and graces our souls need to foster deeper connection with Christ.
Well said!