Gospel Reflections for July 5 2020
Come to me …and I will give you rest.
This Gospel is just what we need on this July 4th weekend.
These comforting words from Jesus were wonderful for His disciples to hear. He knew they struggled under hundreds of religious regulations, oppressive Roman occupation, and incredibly high taxes.
Jesus used a common image. Farmers then would harness oxen to a large wooden yoke that would keep them walking straight when plowing a field. People saw the Ten Commandments as a kind of “yoke” as well, since they guided your life on a straight and virtuous path. However, over time those Ten Commandments increased to over 600 rules that minutely guided all daily behavior. Adding all the Roman rules and taxes made that “yoke” heavy and unbearable.
Our Lords simple invitation to love God, your neighbor, and yourself is a much easier path to follow. “My yoke is easy and my burden light.” His way is clear and direct and in that simplicity offers hope and relief. Our faith might not change protestors or politicians, but it can certainly guide your life today to finding peace.
That is why our country’s founders recognized religion as essential to our nation’s success. They also had suffered for years under foreign kings who were corrupt, greedy, and cruel. Americans imagined a new world based on religious freedom and courageously made that happen.
They knew America was a vast country without any police to maintain order. They needed people to be honest and virtuous on their own for our new nation to survive and succeed.
They wisely saw that it was in local churches that people learned the Ten Commandments, and the Christian virtues of love for God, self, and others, along with honesty, fidelity, and compassion, so they placed in the very first sentence of the Bill of Rights your right to your free exercise of religion. They protected churches to ensure our new country had people with solid virtues and character.
Sadly, not all are religious today or live a life of virtue and respect for others. Therefore, we still need a well-trained and virtuous police force to protect honest citizens from those violent people who are not.
For Catholics, the answer to our issues today remains the same now as it was when this Gospel …and our nation were established. We follow our faith, respect all people, reject violence, and offer compassion for those in need.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Thank you Father Dave….
Happy 4th of July
Peace from Joan and Jan
Happy July 4th!
Great words, Fr Dave, to keep in mind:
“We follow our faith, respect all people, reject violence, and offer compassion for those in need.”
Yes, I wanted to end with a clear guide that is easy to remember. Thanks for highlighting it!
Extremely well said and timely ! Thanks Fr. Dave!
You are welcome!
Love our precious faith, our beautiful country, One nation under God, and our precious Jesus’ love and values!!!We all need to love one another, respect each other, and have the freedom to become the person God created us to be!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! Happy Fourth of July!!! Imagine 13 little colonies fought the greatest nation in the world,England for religious freedom and won!!! We fought the Civil war so that slavery would end in our country and the Emanciption Proclamation was proclaimed!! We are the most beautiful nation in the proclaiming One nation under God and noone must take our freedom away!!! We must make better laws where we outlaw discrimination peacefully!!! We need our God to help us now during our troubled times but God will help us for we want to live His Son’s LIfe of Love!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our Jesus, love America and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you Father Dave for leading us to Jesus!!!
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
So well stated. Amen to that.
God bless….
Kathleen A.
Your words always fit into what’s needed for us at the time. These are times do try men’s souls as was said. I saw this today and I had never heard this story about the Star Spangled Banner and thought you might enjoy it on this special day. It is amazing the way the story is told. Wish you a Happy 4th of July,
Thanks for the Youtube link. I will look at it. Happy 4th!
Thank you, Fr. Dave for your wonderful reflection.
It puts it all in perspective!
During these chaotic times, rest is essential to keep the body and mind healthy.
People still refuse rest when it is offered to us…staying home and using the time to keep busy…
We turn from rest without realizing it…driving our bodies and minds to exhaustion.
The same goes for the rest that Jesus provides…Without it we begin to lean on ourselves
and away from Him. He invites us to come to Him and rest for awhile in His Presence.
It is good for body and soul.
He is Eternal Rest!
Well said!