Gospel for July 31 2022 – Luke 12:19-21
Gospel Reflections for July 31 2022
…the power to do something good
The scriptures often warn us about these famous temptations. They are wealth, power, honor, and pleasure. Well …I hope you receive all of them!
These temptations are neither good nor bad of themselves. They become good or bad depending on how you use them. Each of them provide the possibility of doing something good for the world …or using them for selfish ends.
I wish for you the blessings of wealth. With money you can provide for loved ones and yourself. You can also make good things happen elsewhere too, like help Catholic Charities care for the poor, or help your parish with a new program or help maintain its facilities.
I wish for you the blessings of power. How wonderful if you are in charge of others. Having authority is an awesome opportunity. You have the ability to make good things happen, in a company, in government, or especially as a parent in a family.
I wish for you the blessings of honor. Having the esteem of others can inspire people to follow your example and do what you do. Pray that your example resembles the life of Our Lord, or any of the saints.
Finally, I wish for you the blessings of pleasure! I hope that you will find joy in the life God has given you, and the natural world in which you live. I hope you can see beauty in nature and enjoy moments of rest and relaxation, or engage in recreation, in the original sense of that term, to re-create yourself anew both apart from your work, and even in your work.
For all these good reasons I hope you receive wealth, power, honor, and pleasure!
I am sure you will use them well. The Gospel simply warns us to not see them as ends themselves …accruing wealth just to gain wealth or seeking honor just to gain a name. Whatever we have …we want to use for some good end, and help build the Kingdom of God.
We have a reminder in the words of the consecration at Mass when Jesus says, “This is my Body and Blood, given for you” Jesus takes His body and blood, His entire self, everything that He is, and offers it to the Father for your lasting happiness.
He knows just what to do with what He has …and invites you to do the same.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
What an upbeat and helpful reflection on the reading. Your wisdom and guidance continue to help so many! God has blessed you with the gift of shepherding and you have used it so faithfully and so well. Thank you!
You are very welcome!
Thanks Father for clearing that up. The Camel through the eye of the needle has at times concerned me. I have known wonderful people of wealth and power that have done great things with their wealth and am happy that they have gone on to Eternal Rewards.
Your explanations are a welcome read in these days of so many negative writings.
Thank you. Our Lord Himself often praised people who used their gifts well. I was glad to summarize his remarks here.
Thank you for this important reminder, and a happy day to you!
Thank you!
Beautiful insights Father Dave!!!To share all our gifs to make our world beautiful in Jesus’ love!!!! You are sharing your gifts beautifully!!!Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!