Gospel for July 3 2022 – Luke 10:1-12, 17-20
Gospel Reflections for July 3 2022
Living in 1787 and 2022
It would be easier to be Christian if there weren’t so many bad people in the world!
I hear that a lot these days. We live in a contentious time now with people upset about so many issues, like immigration, the Ukraine war, and especially Supreme Court decisions.
The founders of our country struggled with controversies too. Their 1787 Constitution response parallels our Gospel today. They respected different views while holding firm to basic principles.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus trains His disciples how to preach to hostile people in nearby pagan towns. He keeps it simple; (1) first say that you come in peace and mean no harm, (2) learn their culture and why they hold the ideas they have, (3) do something good that truly helps them, (4) announce Our Lord’s teachings of love and how it will make them happier, and finally (5) …just move on if your message is not well received!
(This Gospel is the basis of my latest book, Luke 10 Leadership.)
It is number 5 that is so helpful and practical. Jesus knows that not everyone will accept His message of love. He affirms you should never let someone else’s lack of faith, hope, or love, affect your faith, hope, or love. If others accept our faith, great, if not …just move on!
Jesus always respects our freedom, even of those who reject His message. But that rejection never changed His own faith, hope, and love, nor should it ever change yours either. After all, why would you ever let someone with little or no faith affect your faith? Keep your faith strong and joyful no matter what others may do.
Jesus affirms in John 15:11 that the true sign that someone has the presence of God within them is their sense of joy. You can experience that joy by focusing on God’s love for you which helps you love others no matter what they say or do. It does not matter if the world has some bad people in it. You know what to do …and you just do it!
That remains our mission here at St. Bruno.
All of our events are meant to accomplish something good that helps people, and done with a deep sense of God’s joy, and we never let anything, or anyone, ever distract us from the joy that comes in meeting Our Lord ourselves …and helping others to do so as well.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Jesus sends out seventy two in a special way without luggage into the World to preach and teach what is required for Salvation. I relish the memory of Saint Junipero Serra who in the same way left Majorca and the comforts of being a Professor to instruct and educate the indigenous people of Mexico and California. Establishing Missions and saving Souls.
What Courage and Love of his Faith accomplished was wonderful to witness. May we all be so strong in our Faith to Evangelize those around us in the present day lives We live today.
Yes, Serra is one of the greatest stories of courage and faith in all of history. The Franciscan Friar famous for walking up and down California also had a crippled leg! He was a great protector of the Indians against the soldiers and settlers too. A true hero.
Fr Dave Heney
Hello Fr Dave
Yes, I experienced that someone close started to distract me from my commitment
to our Lord and church and it effected me in my joy in God and in my life. It took me a while
to come back to my priorities with some prayers and will power.
I am glad you eventually found the right path and no longer allowed this distracting person to affect you. Well done!
A beautiful reflection on how life should be lived, Fr. Dave!
To follow Jesus and know Him better is the only true happiness
in this life.
Yes, indeed!
Beautifully expressed Father Dave!!!!
Live our precious faith with joy and touch others with our Jesus’ love and joy will be their result!!! We must make the world beautiful one person a time instilling Faith with Joy!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Jesus and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your Faith and joy Father Dave!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Fr Dave,
Love the readings today. Thanks for another inspirational message!
Best regards.
You are welcome!