Gospel for July 23 2023 – Matthew 13:24-43
Gospel Reflections for July 23 2023
Making sense of a crazy world!
Every week it seems there is a new political battle, civil rights protest, or world crisis. How would Jesus talk about these events?
Today’s Gospel presents our troubled world with the image of a field in which grow both life-affirming wheat and life-threatening weeds …and both growing together at the same time!
While Jesus would prefer only wheat in His field, He recognizes that the devil has come and planted weeds as well. His field is mixed with both good and bad crops.
This image means that our world is not a place of only bad news or only good news. Our world is a mixed place with stories of extraordinary goodness, personal heroism, and remarkable saintliness, right alongside stories of extraordinary selfishness, evil motives, and bad behavior. No reason to be shocked at this.
Honesty simply demands that we open our eyes and see the truth of what is actually going on, and that includes both good and bad things happening at the same time.
But then Jesus adds an even more important message. He reveals what your response should be while living in this crazy mixed-up world …and it is very helpful!
Whenever you encounter bad people …never let their lack of faith, hope, and love change your faith, hope, and love! Nourish and safeguard the faith you have no matter what other people may do.
If you are an example of wheat then continue to live that way, even if weed people are all around you. After all, if you have faith and love in your own heart …why would you let anyone who does not have faith and love change you? You should be affecting them, not the other way around!
That can happen if you ask for the grace from Our Lord that He offers at every mass. Then you will never become discouraged but always feel encouraged instead. You will never feel alone and also rejoice in the communion of saints in heaven who constantly intercede for you and are on your side.
You live in a very big world that was designed by God in His wisdom to have both wheat and weeds living alongside each other. Make sure that everyone knows just which one you are!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Tom Joyce says
It amazes me in the parables of Jesus his common sense used to describe people and events. Weeds and Wheat , yeast and the Mustard Seed very common things to explain complicated issues. This seems to be lacking in our thinking process of today.
Hearing this year after year in the Scriptures brings greater understanding to the brilliance of our Faith.
This renews in us greater understanding of the Sacred Mystery we enjoy in the lives we live.
Let us Rejoice and be Glad this Sunday in what we enjoy all year.
Father Dave says
Yes, Jesus knew how to connect with his people and their life. A model for us all!
Andrea DeRousse says
Wow! You always hit the gospel so perfectly!
Your reflections never cease to amaze me!
Thank you
Father Dave says
You are very welcome! I am glad you enjoy the reflections.
franca says
Love the saying father Dave!!! “Be a Blessing”!!! We are called to share our precious Jesus love with everyone!!! Loveeeeeeeee it!!! You are a Blessing to us and we are to be a blessing to others and what a beautiful world we would have!!! Loveee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Father Dave says
Thank you!
Kathleen+Auth says
Dear Father Dave,
Thanks so much for this uplifting reflection.
God bless you.
Father Dave says
You are welcome!
Joe Guarrasi says
Fr. Dave,
Simple yet beautifully written Reflection – Grazie Mille ! Looking forward to seeing you in October., Joe
We cannot receive or give when our hands are closed, but with open hands miracles happen for the giver and receiver.
Father Dave says
Yes, open hands make good things happen. See you at the EOHSJ Annual Meeting soon.
David Habib says
Another great message. Thanks Fr Dave !
Father Dave says
You are very welcome!