Gospel for July 21 2024 – Mark 6: 30-34
Gospel Reflections for July 21 2024
Do you have the cure for violence?
If so, I hope you will share it with everyone. You’ll soon have a lot of friends!
Something similar happens in today’s Gospel. Jesus is meeting with His disciples after they return from preaching His message of love and salvation to the neighboring villages. They were very successful since a large crowd follows them all the way back to Our Lord!
Jesus notices this and yet also appreciated His disciples needed rest. He invites them to “Come away to a quiet place to rest” but the enormous crowd presses in on them. Why is that?
People recognized a good thing when they heard it …and they wanted more! Jesus notices they seem like sheep without a shepherd meaning their leaders had not been able to provide the answers they needed.
The people found their answers when they heard Our Lord’s disciples preach and live the virtues of the Kingdom of God. That was the “cure” they needed!
What the people in this Gospel want is a cure from the hopelessness they feel under violent Roman occupation, the corruption of their own leaders, and the bad behavior of people. They simply want a cure from sin.
Jesus lived a message of love that conquers sin. Love is seeking the authentic good of another, while sin is seeking only your own satisfaction and only as you selfishly want it.
The disciples heard this message and took it to the nearby villages and found amazing success. We can learn from them. We have our own versions of the problems they faced with rising crime rates, economic concerns, and political dissension.
President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul both survived assassination attempts in 1981. Both felt they were “saved for a larger purpose” which they knew was to end communism. Facing a near death event can focus the mind on larger causes. As I write this on Monday of this week, I pray the same will happen to former President Trump and even all politicians.
This is not the time to be silent. This is the time to be a visible example of love in your own life every day. This is the cure for yourself that lasts forever.
People may follow you as they did the disciples in this Gospel!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Great Reflections this morning Father.. Glad to hear it’s not just me noticing all of the hate and dissension going on around us lately.
As you have said though: “God = Love” and “Love = God” and knowing that, there is only one answer: LOVE! And we all need to be out there expressing it. I feel God’s Presence right now is overwhelming and overflowing so let’s take advantage of it. Its working for me 😁🙏
Great message! Thanks for sharing it.
I agree! Great reflection Father Dave. I have often noted that although we have evolved in knowledge and understanding developing new technology to help us live our lives, the human condition and heart have changed very little over time. We are still prone to sin and selfishness devoid of love and compassion for one another. In the absence of faith, hope and charity we fall prey to despair and isolation leading to all manner of sin. I pray for all of our leaders but also for all of us sheep who follow along seeking safety, security and peace.
Well said. Yes, the selfish sins f Adam and Eve are sill with us. Keep praying for our leaders!
As Mike mentions above , the way to True Happiness and Contentment is Love. This is what Jesus and the Apostles Preached. The World has different Ideas and Goals.
The World thinks Great Wealth or a huge Home or Status is the way to Happiness and Joy but it leaves many empty Souls.
The Lord is My Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want is the Psalm this Sunday and one of my very favorites. Find someone in need and assist them. You will know real Joy and contentment. You will understand what Jesus was suggesting is True.
Yes, seeking to help others is a path to happiness for sure.
Dear Father Dave,
I can’t help but think of Michael the Archangel who led the battle to defeat Satan and expel him from the graces of God.
Today, we need another “Michael” to defeat the evils in our culture, to stop drug and child trafficking, murders, rapes, and crimes of all kinds against humanity and the Almighty.
The other day, I heard a prominent female politician smile and lift her voice in praise of “reproductive freedom,” the newest abortion phrase. My heart grew heavier in disbelief.
I truly believe that God intervened in the attempted assassination of our former President Trump.
Thank you dear Father in Heaven and please accept our humble prayers for peace and justice.
God bless!
Yes, keep praying for peace and justice, for all human life, from conception’s to natural death.
A beautiful gospel of love and compassion…Jesus giving the apostles
a break from preaching and He having compassion on the crowds
and taking care of things.
Yes, very practical loving kindness from Our lord.
Love your precious words, “Be a visible example of Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I will quote you to my precious Circle of love and they will loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your words!!!Make the world beautiful in loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Our lives met our souls touched in our Jesus and our Mary’s Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Now we have to live it and you beautifully do!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Dick and Franca
Thank You1