Gospel Reflections for July 2 2017
What is this land for?
I just returned from leading an annual archaeological tour of the Holy Land (Israel and Jordan) with 86 pilgrims coming from both Whittier and my former parish in Ventura County. While studying the biblical past we also encountered the difficult political present.
Land ownership there is hotly debated. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim the same areas for ancient reasons. The Bible affirms God “gave the land to the Israelites.” However, God’s gift of land was not gratuitous. His gift had a definite purpose. God wanted His people to live with love, justice, and peace. The land was simply the geographical place where they would show that love to the world. The land itself had no value!
The founders of our country felt the same way in 1776 about this land. They saw abundant forests, a long seacoast with navigable rivers, many deep harbors, and amazingly rich farmland, but they did not take any of them for granted. They saw them all as “gifts of the Almighty” given for a definite purpose; that Americans would show the world how a diverse people can live in justice, peace, and even love.
They remembered that success in Europe depended on social rank or family history. Here, our Declaration of Independence and Constitution affirmed success would come solely from your own responsible behavior in your own “pursuit of happiness.” Success would come from your using God’s gifts for a good and productive purpose.
America is the only country in the world founded on ideas …of freedom and responsibility.
Anyone coming from anywhere in the world could be a citizen if he or she sincerely accepted these ideals. It is no accident then that America soon became the most prosperous country in the history of the world.
Jesus recognized this idea of personal membership in the Kingdom of God as well in today’s Gospel. Membership is not based on family connections but only in following Jesus. It is also no accident then that Christianity soon converted the entire Roman Empire.
I hope you enjoy your July 4th holidays and celebrate the founding of our country. I also hope you will never take any of your blessings for granted, but always seek to use them in a way pleasing to God. That is what our land …and every gift we have is for.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
So very true and beautifully stated. Welcome home! I suspect you’re already planning next year’s trip.
Our European experience was beautiful. However, we’re grateful to be back, especially since I started feeling ill on the last day. It turned out that the pneumonia bug bit me. Some nerve!
God bless.
Yes, I have already planned next year’s trip. Glad you European experience was great. Get well soon!
I see that today, July 1, is Canada Day. It is a special one for them since it marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of Canada as a confederation. Their history is somewhat similar to ours in the United States, especially with regard to the aboriginal people who were here before Europeans came to settle and were poorly treated. But as you point out, the USA is the only country built on individual, God given freedom. Canada has a hard time shaking off entitled class politics.
As I have heard you say, “God created us to be free to love Him” or words to that effect. I pray that freedom will be true for all people in Canada and the USA to love God as time progresses.
Well said. Canada, of course, has a long history in the Commonwealth of Great Britain and under the English Monarchy. There has never been a country founded in the manner of the USA. It is an historical anomaly!
Hi Father Dave, always a blessing reading your writings which are always on target. You are in our hearts and minds every day and we always miss you here at Saint Paschal’s, have a Blessed and Happy 4th of July weekend
Joe G.
Happy July 4th!
Love your beautiful commentary!! Sooooooooooooooooooooo happy you had a precious trip to Israel with soooooooooooooooooooo many friends!!Wow!!!!Loveeeeeee it!! for they were all touched by our Jesus’ precious LOVE!!!!Love our beautiful America !! A land of religious freedom!! A land if you worked hard you could become whatever your heart desires!!1 A land of the people .by the people and for the people!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our America and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you for your love for our Jesus and loving us and bringing our Jesus to us!!! Have a beautiful day in Jesus and Mary’s precious love!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Father Dave, Love your commentary and we are soooo happy you had a beautiful trip to Israel!! Dick and I just returned form a precious trip to Hawaii celebrating with our loving family our 50 years of marriage!!! Who knew a girl from Rapallo would meet a seminaran from Beverly Hills, fall in love, marry have five beautiful childen!! and two grand children, and be surrounded by so many friends of love and joy!!Dick also being a loving husband and father become a Deacon and we have lived a life of love!!!!We have met sooooooooooooooooooooo many beautiful friends and beautiful you!!!
Our parents came to our lovely America for its precious freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!!They loved Italy and Ireland but America became their home of religious freedom and opportunity,, respect and government by the people and for the people!!! We must keep our religious freedom and protect every hun=manbeing
Happy 50th Anniversary!
Thanks Fr. Dave for your Gospel Message of July 2nd. Following Jesus is the answer to what we need to be doing in this life.
You are welcome!
My Daughter & I look forward to joining you next year on your trip to the Holy Land. Recently met a young man who had accompanied you on one of your prior Holy Land trips. He spoke highly of what he experienced and as a result of the visit felt a stronger connection to Jesus & Mary.
Look forward to receiving details of the 2018 trip when available, meanwhile wishing you an enjoyable 4th.
John McCarthy
Looking forward to your joining us next year! Stay tuned to my website for all the information at daveheney.com.