Gospel for July 14 2024 – Mark 6:7-13
Gospel Reflections for July 14 2024
Meeting only good people?
It would be so much easier to be a good Christian if there weren’t so many bad people around!
Of course it would be easier, but it doesn’t look like a wonderfully Christian world is going to happen anytime soon! Those who want to be sincere Christians often must work with or even live with people who have beliefs completely opposed to our faith. How should you respond?
Jesus offers practical advice in today’s Gospel as He prepares His disciples to go into the neighboring villages and convert them. However these villages include very hostile people. He keeps His advice simple: travel light, do something good that truly helps people …and simply move on if the message is not received.
That last idea is helpful. Jesus recognizes there are all kinds of people out there and some who will never listen to you.
He affirms that you should never let someone else’s lack of faith, hope, or love …affect your faith, hope, or love!
If others accept Our Lord, great; if not, well …just move on! Do not take it personally. After all, the message of salvation is from Our Lord and not you. No need to take rejection personally. You still have your own faith, hope, and love, so keep them strong within you.
Jesus always respects our freedom, even of those who reject Him. But rejection never changed His own faith, hope, and love, nor should it ever change yours either. After all, why would you ever let someone with little or no faith affect your faith?
The real sign that someone has the presence of Our Lord is their visible presence of joy. You can experience that joy by focusing on simply doing something good to everyone around you, no matter what. It does not matter if the world has some bad people in it. As a Christian, you know what to do …and you can do good things anywhere no matter what!
This joy remains our mission here at St. Bruno. All our events are still meant to accomplish something good that truly helps people, whether at our school, our Youth and Family Ministry, Bible Studies, our Sunday Masses, the University Series in Lent, or even the SpringFest every May.
Live the joy of Our Lord no matter who you meet!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
Your message came at a perfect time! Thank you.
Thank you, too for your prayers. Mr heart procedure was well done with good results.
God bless,
Good news!
Great tips on how to cope with those who refuse to accept the Gift of Faith. Jesus tells us to love them even though they do not accept our beliefs. I tend to listen but not agree. Finding that arguing does little to persuade those so firmly misled.
There is little Joy in their lives and I do not wish to contribute more bitterness to what they already possess. I share my Faith with those interested and have no shame in doing so.
I am sometimes interested in what makes them hostile but it is up to them to explain.
I cherish and treasure my Catholic Faith and their opinions could never shake or diminish it.
Thanks Fr. Dave for these tips on how to preserve it.
Yu are very welcome. You are one of the most joyful people I know!
Yes Father, as the Hymn, They will know we are Christians by our Love….
The Confidence and Trust we possess in our Lord, is a declaration of our faith and Catholic guiding principles that we should practice and live by. Thanks be, to our Catholic Church and it’s Servants whom give their lives for the ideal of the betterment of humanity especially currently in this our time of an upsidedown world.
Thank you Father Dave.
Thank you for your kind words!
Fr Dave,
Such an important message to have reaffirmed, especially in view of the division that is happening in our country & world today.—“ they will know we are Christians by our love”. There is such joy when you can help someone or you witness someone helping another? It can be as simple as a smile, or listening to another’s concerns—so many ways to be God’s heart, hands & voice in this world.
Thank you & God bless you,
Well said! Small acts of kindness go a long way for sure.