Gospel Reflections for July 1 2018
A new beginning
There are several beginnings reflected in today’s Gospel, and for any new beginning you might need as well.
A woman who had been sick for 18 years comes to Jesus for a healing. That is an amazing testimony of her faith.
She had already seen many doctors …who only made matters worse! Moreover, sickness then was considered a sign of God’s disfavor, leading to her alienation from others and perhaps even her own family. She is in a desperate situation!
Life had not turned out well for her. You could understand if she became cynical and angry. Yet she is not. She courageously approaches Jesus for help and is rewarded with a miraculous cure.
Similarly, a synagogue official asks Jesus for help for his daughter, yet when Jesus arrives the girl is already dead. You could understand if the official became embittered that it was too late for Jesus to help. However, it is never too late for Our Lord, and the girl is raised from the dead!
We will celebrate the birth of our nation soon, on July 4th. At that time back in 1776, you could understand that people would have given up hope that there could ever be justice in the world or be free of tyranny. The world was a difficult place then. The founders of our nation responded differently and wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution that told a different story of freedom and justice for all. A new beginning!
Those noble ideals were not easy to practice, and our nation’s history has had its ups and downs living up to those ideals in many civil rights battles.
There are new beginnings around the world at this time, in North Korea, the Middle East, and perhaps new hope in your life a well.
After his two year assignment finished at St. Bruno, Fr. Bill returns to his home Archdiocese of San Francisco for another new beginning. We wish him well.
We also welcome our new Associate Pastor, Fr. Dave Whorton this week! What a perfect time to celebrate his new beginning here at St. Bruno! Your parish may also have a new pastor and you can celebrate his new beginning. Please welcome him to your parish whenever you meet.
What has remained constant from this Gospel on to our day is the sense that a new beginning is possible, and that it is never too late to make a change for the better.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
First of all, welcome home from your trip. I’m certain your experience was as enlightening and as fantastic as your other excursions. Traveling great distances is difficult but rewarding, too.
You mentioned new beginnings and it’s never too late to change. I agree. Easy? No.
There is so much depth in those philosophies … so much to take into consideration. Motivation is clearly a huge component in change but equally important and yes, perhaps even more important is faith.
We are living in historical times. Life around us is changing rapidly. The world seems to be on a fast spin, but toward what?
I hope for the best.
I believe we continue to need the miracles of Jesus. Is the world the little girl who died? Will Jesus bring the world back to life? A life of civility, motivated by goodness….
Prayers and more prayers. Faith of the mustard seed!
God bless you now and always.
I like your comparing the state of our world with the little girl who died. Interesting idea and food for thought. The story ended well in the Gospel, I hope for the world as well.
In both instances I was aware that in both situations they had faith in Jesus. That is what God asks of us to have faith. Nothing is impossible in Christ Jesus. We can’t give up.
Your mentioning of July 4th coming up reminded me that, yes our country (spiritually) is in trouble. I also also visioned what happens at St. Rose, St. Paschals and yes St. Bunos every day after mass. Many are still there praying and still have 24/7 in their churches. We don’t give up and with that a little spark comes up to remind us that God is there for us. For example that Supreme Court ruling in favor of the anti abortion league. We just can’t give up and keep putting our trust in the Lord for strength and perseverance. God never said thee wouldn’t be hard times, but He did say he would be there for us. .
Yes, Our never promised safety, only that He would never leave us, and would provide the grace and virtues we need.
hoping for new beginning
in me.
That will be my prayer for you as well.
May we start each day with a renewed beginning. We are so blessing to have that
Opportunity in our faith & the love of God.
We need to keep strong in prayer our country & world now more then ever needs prayer!
This 4th of July I prayer for so many who gave their lives for us! And now serve our country we pray for their safety!
God bless us all this holiday ❣️
Yes, strong in prayer more than ever now.
Love your beautiful insightful thoughts!!! Love new beginnings!! Love the thought that our president is pro life and hopefully will nominate a pro life SupremeCourt Justice!! A new beginning and Roe vr Wade may be overturned and new life for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many babies!! Lovee it!!! I will pray for that new miracle begiinning!! Our Circle of Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee prayed for you and all that were on your Faithfilled trip to Israel!!!Life is beautiful and it is up to us to make it so!!!! We must with our precious God, our loving Jesus, our beautifulMary stand up for our Faith, morals and what we believe and make a beautiful difference in this world!!!
With all our love, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Sometimes we refuse to take these second chances but God is always ready to provide them to us anyhow all we need to do is identify them and place ourselves in His hands.
Father Dave, Happy and safe 4th of July.
Happy Fourth of July to you as well! All the best.
Fr. Dave,
Since I have put my trust completely in Jesus my faith has grown.
All the prayers to end abortion. All the prayers for world peace. All are important and change the world.
Happy St. Padre Sierra day!!
It was beautiful at our parish Padre Sierra today.
God Bless
Ralph and Jane
Ralph and Jane!!! We are one with you in your precious thoughts!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Yes, you are fortunate to have a parish saint that is so connected to our own early California history.