Gospel for January 8 2023 – Matthew 2: 1-12
Gospel Reflections for January 8 2023
I would like to know a few things…
I wonder why some people get sick while others stay healthy. I wonder how the universe began, and even about peace in the Ukraine.
I have even more questions ready should I ever directly meet Our Lord. If you could speak to Jesus right now, what might you want to know?
Our Catholic tradition is founded on using our rational minds to understand our world, but I also seek out wise people for their insights too. While an educated person might know a lot of things, a wise person knows just the right things …and has them all in the right perspective …knowing what is important and what is not. We Catholics respect wisdom!
We meet wise people in today’s Gospel …who travel many miles from their home to meet the Lord. By intelligently reading signs in the night sky, they recognize they can meet a child-king in Bethlehem who comes from God. What a golden opportunity! Who wouldn’t want to meet a person who could answer all your questions?
They finally arrive. However, instead of bringing questions …they bring gifts! Rather than demand answers, they come in gratitude and bearing presents. Rather than seeking something from God, they seek only to worship. Why did this happen?
Perhaps a lifetime of gazing at the stars in the immense universe gave them a profound sense of perspective. Perhaps the beauty and majesty of the universe reminded them that someone else is in charge and so they simply felt a profound gratitude. Their first impulse was not to get something, but to give thanks for the stars, the planets, and especially, their very lives. No wonder they are called wise.
It is still good to ask God for wisdom, and answers, and for whatever else you might need. After all, most of the verses in the Our Father are requests. I still have my requests as well, but I am first grateful for the example of those wise persons in today’s Gospel who first bowed down in grateful worship of Our Lord.
I am sure they continued to use all their human intelligence to think and discover insights from this world. I am sure they would also invite you today to remember that someone else is in charge …and to be grateful for the very life you have.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
PRAY TO OUR LORD CONSISTENTLY in my opinion is key to live well or sick. Learn to love our brothers and sisters like your own in con opinion is to bring peace to Ukraine 🇺🇦. 🙏
Yes, well said.
Kathy and I experienced a miscarriage on our first pregnancy … my first question in heaven is when can I meet my unborn child.
Sorry for the lost of your child, my sympathy for both of you.
I am sure that Him in his immense love and wisdom would give you the response that would
bring peace in your heart. In my opinion with due respect, maybe… Is because some children are chosen to be angels in heaven and other babies are destined to live in earth…
Yes, why some lives are short and some are long I think will only be answered in Heaven. Thank you for offering those words of comfort to the Turner’s.
You already have a personal saint praying for you. There is only love in Heaven.
The story of the Three Kings has mystified us for centuries. Following a Star and carrying gifts for Jesus and warned in a dream not to return by way of Herod to let him know the
Place where Our Savior was.
An arduous journey based on research of known Scripture of the day. We have easier access to Christ by visiting our local parish and receiving Blessings and above all Eucharist. Let us again in celebration of this Epiphany be Thankful in participating at Mass .
Yes, a much easier journey to our local parish. Well said!
What a precious miracle that our loving Jesus was given to us through our beautiful Blessed Mother!!! To receive our Jesus and live His love is the miracle in our life!!! The wise men brought him gifts of love and our gifts to our precious Jesus is to spread his loveeeeeeeeeee to everyone!!! One person at a time!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
My first question will be: Are you disappointed in the human race?
Interesting question. I think Jesus knew what he was getting into when He arrived in Bethlehem. No surprises.
Dear Father Dave,
We live in the center of mystery. Yes, there are so many perplexing anomalies…. There is also intuition.
When the wise men found the Christ child, they knew either by intuition, prophesy, or faith who He was. They grasped the meaning of His birth as well as the dangers to His life. This understanding went far beyond the extraordinary and as a result, remained alive in our Catholic history.
As always, thank you for your thought-provoking reflections.
Happy “Little Christmas.”
Happy “Little Christmas!” I am glad you like these reflections. More to come!
In my heart there are no questions or complaints, but I would express my gratitude that
He has always been there, for me, for my fellow man and for the whole humanity.
When I learned to pray the Holy Rosary, I understood that love, peace and wisdom come from God.
And that they are a gifts.
Thanks to you Father Dave, for inspiring me to pray the Holy Rosary. God bless you.
Greetings from Ontario, Canada.
Thank you, Sandy, for your kind words. I am glad your first words to Our Lord would be ones of gratitude as well.