Gospel Reflections for January 7, 2018
I would like to know a few things…
The Three Wise Men, or Magi, had their priorities straight when they travelled over 500 miles to see Jesus in Bethlehem. They could have stayed home, but chose instead to seek the wisdom of the King of Kings, even in that humble stable. I like their style. I admire anyone who continues to learn …and seek knowledge.
I would like to know a few things too, like why some people get sick while others remain healthy, how exactly the universe and human life evolved, and even how we might find peace in the Middle East or North Korea.
I have even more questions ready should I ever speak to Jesus face to face. If you could speak directly to Him, what might you want to know?
In the meantime, I seek out wise people to whom I can ask my questions. Our Catholic tradition is founded on using our mind to understand our world, and especially God’s revelation. While an educated person might know a lot of things, a wise person has them in the right perspective; knowing what is important and what is not. We respect wisdom more.
The Magi recognize they will meet a king who comes from God and so they immediately begin their journey. What a golden opportunity! Wouldn’t you want to meet a person who could answer all questions?
However, instead of bringing questions …they bring gifts! Rather than demand answers, they come in gratitude …and bearing presents! Rather than expect something from God, they seek only to worship. Why did this happen?
Perhaps a lifetime of gazing at the stars gave them that sense of wise perspective. Perhaps the beauty and majesty of the universe taught them that someone else is in charge, and they felt profound gratitude. Their first impulse was not to get something, but to give thanks for the stars, their own life, and, especially …this child in Bethlehem.
No wonder they are called wise.
It is still good to ask God for answers, for wisdom, and whatever else we might need. I still have my questions, but I am grateful for the example of the Magi to first bow down in worship of Our Lord.
I am sure they would invite us today to remember that in the end, someone else is in charge …and to be grateful for the very life we have, and the Lord we praise.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr. Dave,
I have a question. Since Joseph was from Bethlehem is it reasonable to think some of his relatives were still living there? Would be not be welcomed into their homes? We have so little info about Joseph. Can you help me understand?
Looking forward to another season of the University Series.
Thank you
Yes, of course, both Mary and Joseph would have had relatives there. It is even likely that the entire town was related. However, they would also have heard that Mary was pregnant and not by Joseph. This would have made them dishonorable. “There was no place for them in the place where travelers stayed” might be a reference that there was “no place …for people like them! The normal consequence for dishonoring a family with a out of wedlock child was death, unless the husband refused. Apparently, Joseph had sufficient status to withstand the consequence of Mary’s death. This has led most scripture scholars to conclude that Joseph was a good, honorable, and probably quite older man.
Thank you for this lovely gift of inspiration.
You are welcome!
I love the image depicted by Chestdrton ot CS Lewis? Chesterton I think. What a powerful theme the writer projects with the idea that it was a good thing the stable was likely in a cave. In this way wisdom siggests a contemplative moment that one listen for the thunderous sound of Herod’s horsemen clamoring above that cave looking for a baby they could not find. That Inn would not have been nearly as safe.
Beautiful image!
My mother raised me to always take a gift.when seeing a new baby. Perhaps it was her Catholic upbringing
Thank you for your insightful messages.
Loveeeeeeeeeee your beautiful interpretation as always!!! God has given you a beautiful gift Father Dave to see the heart of what is happening!!! Questioning is a human gift but gratitude, love appreciating the miracles given is the greater gift!!! To thank God for for life, for our Jesus, for our Blessed Mother, for salvation for eternity all given in love are all miracle gifts given to us in love!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!! Dick and I are sopoooooooooooooo appreciative of these miracles and you are gift to us as well
A most beautiful , blessed New Year to you!!
Loveeeee, franca and Dick
Happy New Year!
Gazing at the stars and being wise and full of gratitude…. I like how you’ve made them come alive. I can imagine someone who gazes at the stars being full of gratitude.
“a wise person has them in the right perspective; knowing what is important and what is not”… “Perhaps a lifetime of gazing at the stars gave them that sense of wise perspective”
A wise person is full of gratitude. May we recognize Christ daily in gratitude.
Blessings to you, Father
Thank you! And blessings to you in this New Year!
You reminded me of the Kings that gave not expecting. That is where our hearts need to be. Asking for Wisdom is not only asking for our lives but more important is what God wants of us. More and more I have been hearing that on what would bless the Lord not just me. That is the Wisdom I pray for and the strength to do whatever.
That is the right prayer too have, for sure.
It must have been an awe-inspiring time in history as the Magi made the pilgrimage to Bethlehem in anticipation of meeting the Messiah. Rick and I constantly seek out information to feed our insatiable sense of curiosity about the world. We look forward to our third year attending classes through the University Series. We will hopefully see you there!
Yes, I will be there the whole week of March 12th. See you there!
Fr. Dave
It is a beautiful reflection on the Three Wise Men and as their gift of great wisdom I believe was from the Holy Spirit, truly you have been given the gift of wisdom as well. Thankful for your reflections that always allow one to see things in a new light that brings comfort. Happy New Year!
Thank you for your comments! I wish for you a prayerful and peaceful New Year.