Gospel for January 29 2023 – Matthew 5:1-12
Gospel Reflections for January 29 2023
School begins…
Jesus sits down to teach important lessons for you in today’s Gospel.
That was the ancient way … teachers sat down. Teachers today stand in front of a class, but in His day, they sat down, and students stood. Either way, Our Lord has important lessons for you.
He starts with a list of blessings from His famous Sermon on the Mount. This “sermon” is not really a single speech, but a collection of key ideas from hundreds of sermons He delivered for several years. It is a wise collection. Each Blessing can be food for thought for a lifetime of reflection.
The word “Blessing” comes from a Hebrew word that means “happy.” That makes sense. The way of the Lord leads to a life that is fulfilled and profoundly at peace. Any other way that we choose just cannot provide that lasting happiness that only comes from the God who created us, and truly knows what makes us happy and what doesn’t.
The blessings even include bad times when we face challenges. Our Lord offers wisdom that will keep us happy in both good times and in bad. Those are the best lessons of all!
Today also begins Catholic Schools Week where we celebrate our Catholic school. The word “education” comes from two Latin words, “E” which means “out” and “ducere” which means “to lead.” Education “leads you out” of darkness and unknowing into the light of wisdom and understanding. You can be proud that our parish school prepares our next generation for success and lasting happiness in high school, college, marriage, and future careers.
St. Bruno School, now with 320 students, is one of the largest single class Catholic elementary schools in Los Angeles! See our website at saintbrunoschool.com.
Our students, and hopefully all our parishioners will learn this Gospel well, and how to find happiness in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, just as wedding vows promise.
Over the years, I have met people with advanced degrees who are very unhappy because of the bad choices they make. They may have much knowledge but have little wisdom or faith. They need to be “led out” of darkness and into the light that only the wisdom of Our Lord can bring.
They can start to find that wisdom and faith in the Sermon on the Mount. School begins!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
The “Our Father” is a beautiful summary of our faith and Christ’s message.
What also comes to mind is that God so loved the world that He sent His son!
The wisdom of Christ’s words is everlasting. Our souls are pierced by them.
So much to think about!
God bless….
Yes, and wonderful things to think about!
Fr. Dave,
Thanks for emphasizing the importance of Catholic schools! My wife and I have been married 57 years. We had 3 children and 10 grandchildren. We made sure that they all attended Catholic Schools. It worked – they are all good, God loving kids! Praise the Lord!
How wonderful to hear that news about your family. You made the right choice with Catholic education.
Today be ing the Feast Day of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Patron Saint of Catholic Schools I commend those that carry on this Legacy today at St. Bruno and all the Parishes that support Catholic Education. I Treasure the time spent by all those that continue to provide this education.
T he Teaching of Jesus are so important in the development of these mind, making the World we occupy a better Place.
Thanks to all that continue to provide this education to developing Students.
Let us pray daily for all our Catholic School teachers, and actually all teachers as well.
I remember the area in the Holy Land where Fr.
Showed us that Jesus may have taught the Sermon on the Mount. It was a very moving experience to image where Jesus taught his disciples. He is always wanting to ensure our happiness & ability to “Light the way” for others to be closer to himself.
Thanks be to God.
Yes, Mt. Beatitudes on the shore of the Sea of Galilee is still one of my favorite places.
Thanks for reminding me of Catholic Schools Week…being retired it sits in the back of my brain.
Yet another great commentary!
God bless all our teachers!