Gospel Reflections for January 29 2017
School begins…
Jesus sits down to teach in today’s Gospel. That was the ancient way. Teachers stand today in front of a class, but in His day, they sat down and students stood. Either way, Our Lord has some important lessons for you.
He starts with a famous list of blessings that begin His famous Sermon on the Mount. This “sermon” is not really a single speech, but a collection of several key ideas from hundreds of sermons He delivered around the Sea of Galilee. It is a wise collection. Each Blessing mentioned can be food for thought for a lifetime.
The word “Blessing” comes from a Hebrew word that means “happy.” That makes sense. The way of the Lord leads to a life that is fulfilled, at peace, and profoundly happy. Any other way we choose just cannot provide that lasting happiness that only comes from the God, who after all, created us, and truly knows what makes us happy and what doesn’t.
Today also begins “Catholic Schools Week” where we celebrate Catholic school education. The word “education” comes from the Latin words, “E” which means “out” and “ducere” which means “to lead.” The way of the Lord “leads us out” of dark ignorance into the light of wisdom. We can be proud that our parish school prepares our next generation for success and lasting happiness in high school, college, marriage, and future careers. St. Bruno School, now with 320 students, is one of the largest single class Catholic elementary schools in Los Angeles! See our website at SaintBrunoSchool.com.
Today we will also distribute catalogs for the University Series, which begins on March 2nd, the day after Ash Wednesday. The catalogs are also at the doors of the Church. It offers 35 adult education classes during the Season of Lent both at St. Bruno and St. Mary’s Churches. If you’re in the Ventura area, the University Series will offer 90 adult education classes at 12 churches.
School begins for you in the University Series during Lent just as it does each day for our young people at St. Bruno’s school.
Over the years, I have met people with advanced degrees who are very sad and unhappy because of the continual bad choices they make. They have much knowledge but little wisdom or faith. They need to be “led out” of darkness into the light that only the wisdom of Our Lord can bring. You can start to find that wisdom and faith yourself in our Catholic school, the University Series classes, and in the beautiful Sermon on the Mount. School begins!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Hi Father Dave, looking forward for the University Series and health permitting attend some of your presentations here in Ventura county,
God bless you Father Dave and thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
I hope you stay healthy. See you in the University!
Dear Father Dave, We will be at your beautiful University with much love and excitement!!! Dick and I are presenting “Mary A Woman In Love, The Precious Apparitions of our Blessed Mother and we are sooooooooooooooooooooooohappy to bring the love of our loving Jesus and our Blessed Mother to everyone attending!!We also are soooooooooooooooooooooo excited and happy to grow in the love of our Faith in attending other wonderful classes and yours!!! Soooooooooooooooooo looking forward to a spiritually, exciting Lent filled with Our God, our Jesus, our Mary,growth, love and joy!!!
Loveeeee you!!
Loveeeee, franca and Dick
I am sure people will love your presentation on Mary!
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Father Dave!!!
Have a beautiful evening!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Father Dave, in each of your Sunday homilies is a lesson and I have looked forward to hearing it. I have circled some classes for the coming Lent University series.
Thank you, Carol Grzybek
See you soon in the University!
God bless you Father Dave.
May God bless you as well!
I look forward to the University Series every year. This year my friend who has never gone before is going as a guest. She is very excited because she is a convert to the Catholic faith and wants more wisdom for her faith. Thank you Father Heney for starting the University Series.
Thanks for your message. I am glad both you and your friend will be attending. I hope she finds it helpful!
The Sermon on the Mount is our goal for living the christian life.
As you say, Fr. Dave, “Happy” will we be if we make the effort
Thank you again for making the University Series available to us
There are a great many topics to choose from.
See you there..
See you in the University!
Every Lenten Season I look for ways to grow in my Catholic Faith. Along with prayer and fasting I will add classes from the University Series to make my Lenten journey a journey of love as I prepare for the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Fr. Dave for all you do to bring us closer to God.
Many blessings
Christina Trupiano
Thank you for your message. See you in the University!