Gospel Reflections for January 26 2020
Follow Me!
You might think our faith is complicated but today’s Gospel reveals everything you need to know. Every word and deed of Jesus is summarized in just two words!
Jesus speaks to fishermen and says, “Follow me.” They do …and so should you. An authentic Christian just follows what Christ says and does.
Notice that Jesus does not say, “Understand what I say and do.” He just says “Follow me.” Understanding only becomes clear after following His behavior. You first follow Him and then you will gain wisdom.
You might notice how children often mimic the behavior of their parents or teachers. That is how children find their way to success, and that is true for adults as well. You can read articles on winning athletes, business leaders, or even marriage and family topics, but when you imitate the behavior of successful athletes, business leaders, or married couples, you will more clearly understand everything much faster. Wisdom follows behavior.
Today we celebrate our St. Bruno School and the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. We are proud of our school and the example our great staff give every day to our students. Our students are blessed to have our staff lead them in good Catholic behavior.
All Catholics especially follow the words and deeds of Christ that you see at the consecration at Mass: “This is my Body and Blood, given for you.” Our Lord always acts in a way that is for you and for your true and lasting happiness, at every age, in every place, and at every time. He is always pro-life. Well, since Jesus is pro-life, then so are we. We follow Him.
Last Thursday was the 47th anniversary of the famous 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, along with other cases, that legalized abortion at any time before birth. “Roe” was the cover name for a real woman, Norma McCorvey, seeking an abortion in the early 1970’s. She later became Catholic, followed Christ for the rest of her life, and wonderfully became a leader in Pro-Life programs.
Jesus Himself was conceived under difficult circumstances, and yet called Mary “blessed among all women.” Jesus is pro-life and always pro-women. These two ideas go together well, and have finally been understood by so many. A recent Gallup poll reported that more than 50% of Americans now identify as pro-life. Since Jesus is pro-life, then so are we, because very simply …we follow Him.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee following our precious Jesus of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee being pro Jesus, loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee being pro life, loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee beingt born and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our parents for giving us life and life in Jesus!!!! YEAH!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Hello Father Dave.
I am in agreement with the Pro Life position. I have three children and cannot imagine what my life would be without them. The birth of my babies was miraculous. Thank you for your informative article.
You are welcome.
When I married my late wife, Margaret, I was open for new life. But she showed me what it is all about. She raised eight lovely children who became for me the sign of God’s miraculous nature. Happily they mostly follow Jesus.
I have a morning dove that raised her family on my back porch. That was last spring. After releasing two chicks from the nest, some weeks later she raised two more! I was glad to see her recently, back again, checking out the old nest. I hope she chooses to raise more chicks here this spring. She reminds me of Margaret.
I can see that even the doves can teach us valuable lessons!
All the comments are beautiful but the last one about Margaret touched me so. We had 5 children in 8 years and they have been great to me as a mom, grandmother and great Grandmother. To tell you the truth their young years were the most wonderful of all. I think of the feminists today who in their selfish ways have no idea how sad their older days will be when they are alone. True families are forever. Sadly, to me, I have lost my husband and 2 sons but I pray they are all together now. I loved the march yesterday it was so heartwarming and beautiful.
Thanks, again, Father Dave, for your wise words.
Thank you for your beautiful message!
Thank you Father Dave for this wonder Gospel newsletter. I’m so happy that you openly and proudly express that we as Catholics are ProLife! There sadly are many Catholics from all over who are proabortion and not enough priests address this issue. Thank you again Father for speaking the truth!!
You are very welcome!
Watching our President recite the words of praise to those assembled amazed me. I thought of Saul who became St. Paul on the road to Damascus being blinded by light and knocked from his horse. God acts in majestic fashion when picking those to follow him.
The Right to Life is essential and I compliment those that showed such Faith and Devotion.
God Bless them all.
We can be grateful that for the first time ever, a President of the United States personally came to the Pro-Life March in Washington D.C. and encouraged their pro-life efforts.
Thank you for being outspoken in your support for life! Praying that all our priests may join in preaching our Lord’s message of love for all people, especially those most vulnerable like babies in the womb.
You are very welcome! I am glad that the country is also turning more and more to the pro-life cause.