Gospel for January 23 2022 – Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Gospel Reflections for January 23 2022
Good news for everyone!
Jesus announces wonderful events in a synagogue in today’s Gospel and all eyes are upon Him. Who wouldn’t like to hear that the poor have good news, the blind see, and the oppressed are set free? Certainly, a welcome message!
However, Our Lord’s amazing words don’t just promise future events …they describe real events He has already accomplished! The people see this and highly praise Him.
What is common among all these events is freedom. The people certainly had not felt free for some time. They were oppressed by tax collectors, bullied by Roman soldiers, and often unjustly imprisoned. Jesus announces that His Kingdom starts with freedom.
Freedom is the ability to choose with no pressure or coercion. Why is freedom so important? Because it is what makes love happen and love is the core of the Kingdom of God.
The freedom to love is the very essence of our Catholic faith, and love cannot happen unless it is freely chosen.
At every wedding ceremony, right before the couple declare their vows, the priest asks them, “Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?” Right before they say their vows they affirm they will do so freely.
At communion time at every Mass, the minister will hold up the host and proclaim, “The Body of Christ.” When you answer “Amen” you are freely accepting the gift of Our Lord’s presence within you and freely accepting the commitment to live His life of love as well after Mass is over
That is why the time immediately after you receive communion is so important. Like the people in that Synagogue your eyes should be on Jesus …who is now within you! It is your personal time to reflect inwardly on Our Lord’s presence there, and how you will freely choose to be more loving in the rest of the events of your day. There is much you can reflect on.
How can you free another person who feels oppressed by difficult personal circumstances? In what way can you lighten the load of a friend gripped by Covid anxiety? How can you help someone see through a problem?
This freely given love expressed by early church members amazingly did inspire tax collectors, Roman soldiers, and even bad politicians to change their lives.
This is your time now to offer the same liberation to others that Jesus offered in that Gospel long ago.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
God is love. God is the eucharist. So when we receive the eucharist we receive love and the ability to share that love!
All we need to do is understand and do that!
Thanks Fr. Dave …
for a very simple yet all powerful message!
You are very welcome!
Love your precious words Father Dave!!! I love receiving our precious Jesus and receiving His precious Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sharing His loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
How fortunate we are to have daily Mass available to us and the opportunity to receive Holy Communion. Receiving Holy Communion helps us so much in our daily tasks and challenges.
I enjoyed your humor yesterday on Relevant Radio where you commented on the Washington D.C. March for Life and the temperature there of 23 degrees Fahrenheit. You explained that you are a southern California guy and when the temperature falls below 60 degrees you call 911.
Fr. Dave, it is always good to hear you on Relevant Radio.
Thanks for writing, and I am very glad that you enjoy my guest spots on Relevant Radio. I am on about one or two times a month, usually on The Inner Life program at 9am pacific time. I consider it a great honor to participate, especially since I can do so in warm Southern California!
The freedom to do what is good comes from a heart full
of love!
It is not the right to do what we please, but the opportunity to do
what is right!
Well said!