Gospel for January 21 2024 – Mark 1:14-20
Gospel Reflections for January 21 2024
Follow Me!
You might think our faith is complicated but today’s Gospel reveals everything you need to know. Everything is summarized in just two words!
Jesus speaks to fishermen along the shore of the Sea of Galilee and simply says, Follow me. They do immediately…and so should you. An authentic Christian just follows what Christ says and does.
In this time of political transition and often turmoil, clear and easy to understand directions are just what you need!
Notice that Jesus does not say, understand what I say and do. He does not even say believe what I do. He simply says, Follow me! Understanding and belief only becomes clear after following His behavior. You first follow Him and then gain His wisdom.
You might notice how children often mimic the behavior of their parents or teachers. That is how they find their way to success, and that is true for adults as well.
You can read articles about successful athletes, business leaders, or happily married couples and families, but when you imitate the behavior of these successful people, you will clearly understand their wisdom so much faster and achieve their same success. Wisdom follows behavior.
The University Series will help you understand Our Lord’s behavior more deeply in our annual Lenten multi-parish adult education program starting February 15th. Next weekend, the catalogs will be distributed at all the Masses and the website will go live for preregistration. There are 50 different sessions you choose to attend that connect our faith with real life. For every class you pay for, you can bring a friend for free.
The Mass is our weekly reminder of how to follow Jesus, especially in the words of the consecration: This is my Body and Blood, given for you. Our Lord is always for your life and for your true and lasting happiness, at every age, in every place, and at every time.
Respect Life Month also reminds you that Jesus is always pro-life. Since Jesus is pro-life, then so are we. We follow Him. We always support all human life at every age and every circumstance, but most especially for young mothers and children. Jesus Himself was conceived under difficult circumstances, and yet Mary is called blessed among all women. Jesus is always pro-life and always pro-women.
Since Jesus is pro-life, then so are we, because very simply …we follow Him.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Thanks Father Dave Pro Life is the Motto I enjoy most about our Faith. He with his Life and Spesch made it clear. he did as well.
It is a beautiful and powerful motto.
Love our precious Jesus, love our precious Faith, love being beautifully pro Life, love to promote pro life leaders like DeSantis to lead our country, love your wonderful Universuity series for it opens our hearts to the beauty of our faith and love you for giving us our precious Jesus!!!We want to make the world beautiful with everyone living in Jesus’ LOVE!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Simplicity, whether in design or philosophy, streamlines our attention and directs us to focus on what is most important.
Indeed, it is so true that when our Lord said, “Follow me,” he was doing just that. I can envision his outstretched hands.
God bless you and thank you for your weekly Gospel messages.
You are very welcome!