Gospel for January 17 2021 – John 1:35-42
Gospel Reflections for January 17 2021
Good news and bad news…
There are a lot of good and bad feelings about politics these days.
Those voters who saw their candidates win …happily enjoy good news while those voters who saw their candidates lose …sadly feel bad news. Unfortunately today, neither feel there is much common ground between them.
In today’s Gospel, both feelings remarkably come together in the words of John the Baptist.
John sees Jesus and proclaims, “There is the Lamb of God!” Everyone who heard him would know that John was using a title of great honor …that also included great sacrifice.
The “Lamb of God” was the lamb that shepherds chose to give to the Temple priests. They would choose only the very best and all would notice how beautiful it was. However, shepherds also knew this lamb was destined to be sacrificed on the Temple altar.
This has a parallel in our politics today. Voters sincerely choose candidates they believe are the best to serve the public. Politics is a noble profession, yet your vote only sends them into a system filled with greed, jealousy, and selfishness that often sacrifices their careers. John was predicting that same good and bad news future for Jesus when he first saw him.
Every Christmas season actually occurs between election and inauguration days and is our annual reminder that Jesus freely came to this earthly place of so much good and bad news. No one knew more than Jesus about the kind of sinful people He was sent to save. Yet, He came out of love …and nothing would stop Our Lord from being with the people He loves!
You might be tempted to feel despair at the bad actions of people on both sides of politics today. Yet, even in this wild time you are called to have the mind and attitude of Christ. You must never let another’s lack of faith, hope, or love, affect your faith, hope, and love.
In the Gospel, Jesus changes the name of Simon to Peter, a name that means “Rock.” Jesus knew that this disciple would soon lead His church during Roman persecution and so He wanted Peter to take on the character of a person firmly grounded as a rock, and not easily buffeted by the ever changing winds of politics.
You should take on this name as well. You will need that firmness, strength, and courage going forward. That will ensure you will always enjoy good news …no matter what is going on!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Love your words as aways Father Dave!!With all the turmoil in the world today, I feel we have to make a difference for living Jesus’ love, values,in our world! !Prayer and debating issues peacefully with friends and neighbors etc.. may change ones opinions!!!Pro life is such an important value and we have to beautifully promote it in prayer and precious debate!!! as with all issues!!! Our loving God is on the side of Pro life and he will help us in all areas!!! We must live his love and change the world with our God’ our Jesus’ precious moral values!!!
With loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Thank you so much, Father Dave. Your commentaries always help calm the media responses we see.
You are a guiding light, and, a source of comfort and safety..
Thank you for your kinds words!