Gospel for January 16 2022 – John 2:1-11
Gospel Reflections for January 16 2022
Keep the party going!
Perhaps Jesus said so at the wedding reception in today’s Gospel. He recognized this couple’s great embarrassment if they ran out of wine. The party would end! Jesus knew that good wine would keep everyone celebrating their love and marriage.
I hope that couple lived a long and happy life, but we just don’t know. No one knows the exact number of our days. Some might be fortunate to have a little advanced notice from doctors so that they can prepare well, while others sadly die unexpectedly. Our faith affirms that you should live your life as fully as possible no matter how many days you have. However, you can certainly hope that your end is natural …and never at the hands of another.
Our deepest Catholic belief is that every person is loved by God from every moment before birth to your natural death, and so you should enjoy a full and happy life no matter how long it is.
I remember a couple that I married years ago invited me to bless their new home and meet their children. While there I noticed a new room beautifully set up for another baby. Long before this new child was born …it was already deeply loved, just as God loves us …long before you are even born. This is good to know in this Respect-Life month of January.
God designed us with a deep instinct to care for innocent children even before they are born …not as a political imposition …but a real human trait that even led to our evolutionary success.
That is why women rarely want an abortion, but at times under severe stress might feel there is no other choice. If we can help with those other deeply stressful circumstances, like poverty, force, or fear, then perhaps their choice will change too. Jesus always courageously taught moral issues but always with the deepest love for everyone involved.
Next week is the 49th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. This June, the Supreme Court will rule on a new Pro-Life case, so I have written a new article; Roe v. Wade and Catholic Morality.I hope it helps clarify the issues before the court and before us Catholics as well.
We always hope more young lives will live a full life. As Jesus might have said at that wedding feast, “Let’s make sure the celebration of life and love for every person at every age …continues!”
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr. Dave:
I hope you are happy and well. We read your article on Life and as usual agree with you. It was well written and easy to understand. I pray that all people will harden not their hearts or minds. Life is indeed the shelf, and it was built and supported by God. We need to hear this from all clergy from the pulpit, in schools and beyond.
God bless you Fr. Dave.
Jane and Joe Lynch
We are back in Massachusetts tending to Jane’s sister, Deborah, who is suffering from a rare neurological disease.
Please pray for her.
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you liked the article. Please be assurred of my prayers for Deborah. IT is good that you are both there to comfort her.
I loved reading this Father and will share it.
God Bless you.
Beautiful words, beautiful thoughts, beautiful life!!! We will pray that life at any stage be protected and that Roe vr Wade be overturned!! Our loving God gave us the precious gift of life and it is a miracle of LOVE!! We to will pray for your precious sister Jane and joe!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Well said!
Very thoughtful and well said. Life is precious at any age. If God created and called it Good, how can it be anything else. Thank you Father Dave.
You are very welcome!
Thank you , Fr. Dave for a wonderful reflection on “Life
If Jesus is for life I am there with Him
I pray the courts will make the right decision on protecting human life.!
That is my prayer as well!
I have always thought of Sunday Mass being similar to a party. People I cherish of every age and culture attend each week and we share the Joy of being together enjoying the Light of Jesus Christ and Wisdom of the Scriptures to shape our lives.
Babies being Baptised and Elderly Welcomed and comforted. People prayed for and Couples Celebrated.. we engage in conversation and encouragement.
Togetherness is celebrated as we enjoy being the Body of Christ.
Thanks for your efforts and your vocation, God Bless you and all who like you do so much.
I think you described the Sunday Mass perfectly!
Hi Father,
I know you well from Holy Angel’s and the Serra Club. I recently let you know of Carol McCann’s passing.
The reason for this note, is that every time I consider going with you to the Holy Land, it is sold out.
How can I reserve for 2023, 2024……..?
Mike McCann
I am so sorry for her passing. Please be assured of my prayers as always. Our Holy Land trip has been consistently sold out only because the original group from two years ago is still onboard despite being postponed several times. It is the same group being rescheduled time after time. You can place your mane on the Wait List at George’s International Tours at 800 566 7499 and ask for the “Fr. Heney Group.” You should also know that Israel is the the most restrictive Covid state in the world. It was only last week that they even allowed foreigners to even enter the country at all! We hope that the recent omicron widespread but relatively mild infection will soon result in the herd immunity that will end the pandemic.