Gospel for January 15 2023 – John 1:29-34
Gospel Reflections for January 15 2023
Peaceful transition of power…
Last week the role of Speaker of the House of Representatives passed from one person to another. It took some time and with a lot of debate …but it happened peacefully.
That is an amazing event. For almost two hundred and fifty years our power transfers have been the envy of the world. The most powerful nation in history also has the most peaceful transfer of power from one leader to the next. We can be grateful we have such a system in our country.
Despite a long, controversial, and sometimes fiercely fought process, it all ends with a few simple words of a Speaker’s oath, and then the transition is complete. The votes of all the Representatives made that happen.
We see this same transition in today’s Gospel. John the Baptist is at the height of his career as a preacher, prophet, and missionary of God’s mercy. Thousands of people travel many miles into barren desert to see and hear him. Yet he peacefully turns everything over to Jesus.
He does not compete with Our Lord for the crowd’s attention, and gladly accepts the will of a different kind of “election.” The vote of one person made that happen …the vote of God.
There is another big difference here. Speakers come and go. If you don’t like one Speaker, wait a number of years and that person might leave. Not so with Our Lord. He always remains with us as Our Savior.
However, there is another campaign that Our Lord faces every day. He must campaign for your heart. Will you smoothly transition the direction of your life over to Him? Will you let Him guide you? Will you let Him be your leader?
I am sure your answer changes with the different seasons of your life. When young, we want to be in charge. When sick or in need, we suddenly become humble and ask for His help. Better to be consistent all the time. John the Baptist turned over his entire life to Our Lord …and at the very peak of his career …a good example for us!
During Lent, coming soon at the end of February, we will offer a number of different evening classes on our faith that can help us decide the most important election of your life. Who will be in charge? Don’t forget to vote!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
John recognizes Jesus and submits to him properly. A wonderful transition of intent and Outlook for the future of Salvation and advent of the Holy Spirit being introduced to us.
The History of the World ic changed in this moment .
The fulfillment of scripture accomplished and Gentiles brought into the opportunity of attaining salvation through the belief in the Son of God .
Wow, That is a moment to Celebrate this Sunday around the World.
Yes, this is the Gospel read in Catholic Churches around the entire world today. I am sure it has inspired millions.
Dear Father Dave,
You’ve given us a wonderful analogy in the transfer of power and leadership, even better … some great questions. Thank you!
Also, I find that consistent action, response, and behavior is very trustworthy.
God bless.
Well said. Consistent action, response, and behavior create trust for sure.
Hello Fr. Dave, I have found that when I resist becoming entangled into the games that people play, life amazingly seems to rearrange itself, and everything falls into place. The feeling of freedom is exhilarating!
Glad to hear your story! Nothing like that feeling of freedom!