Gospel Reflections for January 15 2017
Peaceful transition of power
This Friday in Washington, D.C. we will transfer the entire executive power of the United States government from one president to another.
That is an amazing event. For more than two hundred and forty years our inaugurations have been the envy of the world. The most powerful nation in history also has the most peaceful transfer of power from one leader to the next. We can be grateful we have such a system in our country.
Despite a long, controversial, and sometimes bitterly fought campaign, it all ends with a few simple words of a presidential oath, and then the transition is complete. The votes of the electoral college made that happen.
We see this same transition in today’s Gospel. John the Baptist is at the height of his career as a preacher, prophet, and missionary of God’s mercy. Thousands of people travel many miles into barren desert to see and hear him. Yet he peacefully turns everything over to Jesus. He does not compete with Our Lord for the crowd’s attention, and gladly accepts the will of a different kind of “election.” The vote of one person made that happen …the vote of God.
There is another big difference. Presidents come and go. If you don’t like one president, wait four or maybe eight years and that person must leave. Not so with Our Lord. He remains with us as Our Savior always.
However, there is another campaign that Our Lord faces every day. He must campaign for our hearts. Will we smoothly transition the direction of our life over to Him? Will we let Him guide us? Will we let Him be our leader?
I am sure your answer changes with the different seasons of your life. When young, we want to be in charge. When sick or in need, we suddenly become humble and ask for His help. Better to be consistent all the time. John the Baptist turned over his entire life forever to Our Lord …and at the very peak of his career …a good example for us!
During Lent, in our new adult education program called “The University Series” we will offer over 30 different evening classes on our faith that can help us decide the most important election of our life. Who will be in charge? You will receive the catalog of classes in two weeks. Don’t forget to vote!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Another changing of authority that comes to mind is the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. This is another peaceful relegation of power, albeit not for leader but for those who protect the leader. I suspect that our president’s protectors go through a similar but not so publicized process when a new president is inaugurated.
As you say, “Our Lord remains with us as Our Savior always.” He, of course, does not need to be protected since He is all powerful. So the Host of Angels and Saints is there to adore Him and give Him praise rather than to protect Him.
It is our task to learn how to live and become one of those saints in the heavenly host. We are thankful to again have the University Series to inspire us to that end.
Well said!
Dick and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Jesus with all our hearts!!! What a beautiful gift given to us by our loving God to give us our Jesus of love!!!!! It is a beautiful life to try to touch people’s lives with Jesus’ endearing love and for us to grow in that beautiful love!! We are soooooooooooooooo blessed with our loving God, our beautiful Blessed Mother and our precious Jesus of love!!! We re looking soooooooooooooo forward to the inspiring University you started in love!!! We will be there ,loving and sharing, and growing in love!!! Have a beautiful day in Jesus’ and Mary’s precious LOVE!! It doesn’t get any better then that!!!
Loveeeeee, Franca and Dick
See you at the University!
Thanks for always inspiring us, Fr. Dave!
You are welcome!
A powerful Reflection Fr. Dave!
John the Baptist had the right idea when he surrendered a peaceful transition
of power into the hands of Jesus.
Do we sometimes forget to thank Him for what He has given us?
Let’s hope and pray that the newly elect will lead a divided nation
in peace and unity.
Yes, that is our prayer.
I feel peaceful and find the peace in this reflection.
I support the Lord for His campaign ….
Thank you Fr. Dave!
I like this reflection most so far.
Thank you for your comments! I really appreciate them.
Dear Father Dave,
Your reflection helps put today’s societal, worldly chaos in a better perspective. However, the changing “of the guard” or the transition of presidential power in our country this time is overwhelmingly hostile. I feel our nation is at the edge of a precipice, and I hope after the inauguration people will settle down. Prayers for all.
God bless you, Father Dave, for the work you’re doing.
Yes, you are correct. the political climate is very hostile. That means it will be a special challenge to remain at peace. I believe the hostility will continue for some time. No matter. we will remain at peace.
Fr. Dave:
I am so thrilled to hear that you are bringing The University Series down here to share with us! What a happy blessing and a joy when I read this good news!
Every year I see the catalog up at St. Paschal’s when I am there on the weekend and circle the many courses I would like to attend up in the Ventura County area. Then I discern & realize I can’t leave here after work and get there by 7:30 with the traffic! I can’t wait to only have to drive over to Whittier!
I am voting for God and will keep asking him everyday for the grace to follow his will.
Thank you for your ministry.
Yes, I am very happy to introduce the University Series here. I think people will find it very helpful. I am especially glad that your drive to Whittier will be easier!