Gospel for January 1 2023 – Luke 2: 16-21
Gospel Reflections for January 1 2023
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear
This is written at the bottom of the side rear-view mirror in your car. For whatever reason, car manufacturers made mirrors that slightly change the view we have looking behind us.
Of course, you always keep your eyes on the road ahead, but every now and then, it is good to catch a quick look behind. That helps your situational awareness and a good safety habit.
That is not a bad habit for your life as well. But many people don’t like to look back at all. I can understand that. We usually think ahead and how we can be ready for the future.
Mary had every reason to not look back. She had a year of profoundly life-changing events, many of which she could not possibly understand … a visit from an angel, a miraculous conception coupled with scorn from neighbors for having a child of uncertain origin, a long ride to Bethlehem, a birth in a stable, and visits from shepherds and wise men. What could it all mean? Many could be tempted to just “put it all behind and move forward.”
Yet, the Gospel says that “Mary treasured all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” Notice it does not say she understood them …but she would not forget them either. They were important events, and even though not perfectly clear, she knew one day they would be, and so she treasured and pondered them.
That is often how we discover God’s will in our life. We often can’t see the larger picture or meaning of events right now. It is only later in looking back over a range of events that we can see patterns emerge. We see how this event led to that event, and meeting this person, which led to a new event, and has brought you to this day. It is in wise reflection that you can find great wisdom to go forward.
Every Mass reminds you that God so loved you that He sent His Son to be with you. His love gives you the courage to remember events even when you made mistakes. Treasure even those, and ponder them, so that the New Year will be different.
Events in the past are closer than they appear. Treasure and ponder them and discover God’s hand in them …and have a Happier New Year!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
On this early morning, the last one in 2022, your reflection on our blessed mother and her response in total acceptance of God’s will floods my mind with all the many life altering encounters in my own life, some more significant and meaningful than others.
Mary’s example of obedience touches the core of my soul. It’s humbling., exhilarating, and clearly beautiful.
To say that the future is uncertain is a given, but with deep faith and strong resolve, like Mary’s, we move into it with determination and expectation.
May we ask for God’s blessings, now and forever.
Happy New Year.
Thank you for your profound sharing. Happy New Year!
Great idea to look back and learn from mistakes of the past. Learning to avoid them in the future. The readings and Gospel at this time of year are wonderful . Life can be lived much more successfully. If we read and learn from the Wisdom expressed therein.
Happy New Year Father Dave and Thanks for these articles each week to assist us on our Earthly Way.
Thank you, Tom, and Happy New Year!
What a great message. It is important to ponder that which we don’t understand and to consider the big picture, in hopes that all the pieces will ultimately help us make sense of the story.
Thank you, Father Dave, for all your inspirational messages. They are very unifying in a very fragmented world.
Thank you, Linda, and Happy New Year!
Good Morning Father Dave,
Wonderful message, especially for all of us and on this last day of 2022. Thank you for all you do for us in the parish. Wishing you a very Happy. Healthy and Blessed 2023.
Thank you, Kimberly, and Happy New Year!
Happy and Blessed New Year Fr.Dave
Jan (Joannes Wennink)
A Blessed and Happy New Year to you, Jan!
The Christmad story is iconic…it is a simple story of a very very young women and young husband
who loved her., and a pregnancy that neither one understood ?
The amazing story is that these 2 very young people accepted Gods will unconditionally and allowed themselves to become the parents of the Son of God.
Merry Christmas Fathet Dave🤗
Yes, that is exactly right. They accepted God’s will for them despite all of the challenges.
Father Dave many thanks for your thoughts may you enjoy many blessings in 2023 and beyond Best John McCarthy
Thank you, John, and a very Blessed and Happy New Year to you as well.