Gospel for February 9 2025 – Mark 6:30
Gospel Reflections for February 9 2025
Fishing in deeper waters
Jesus the carpenter offers advice to professional fishermen …and it doesn’t make sense.
He tells them to fish in the deeper part of the lake instead of near the shore where fish usually gather. We can imagine their thoughts. “Jesus …you’re a carpenter… what do you know about fishing?!”
Out of respect, they sail into deeper water …and get the largest catch of fish ever! They must have said then, “Stay with us …and make our fishing company rich!” Yet that did not happen.
They decide to leave the fishing business and follow Jesus, despite the large catch and the promise of future fishing success. That also doesn’t make sense!
Meeting Jesus made all the difference. They recognize that Jesus makes everything better …and they want more of Him. More than a rich catch of fish, they want more of Jesus, and they don’t want to miss their chance.
You might know that I study biblical archaeology. In 1986 a typical ancient fishing boat was uncovered at the Sea of Galilee just where this Gospel takes place. It was reliably dated to the time of Jesus and reveals it had been repaired many times with great expertise. That indicates boats were very valuable business assets for the owners.
This means that when they left everything to follow Jesus …they were leaving a lot behind! They knew He was the true source of lasting happiness. They took a risk to leave everything behind and courageously put out into deeper water with their life.
Today we announce two invitations for you to put out into deeper waters just as Our Lord asked.
Today you will receive our new University Series Catalogs. We ask you to put into deeper waters …and decide to attend a class every night!
Today we ask that you also put into deeper waters …and make a generous gift soon for our new Hall for All. There are new envelopes in the pews for that noble purpose. We are 2/3 of the way to qualifying for a loan to start construction. We can use the Hall itself to help repay the loan. The Bulletin each week offers the many convenient ways that you can give.
We want our new Hall for All and University Series to be places where everyone can meet the Lord and find the same life changing experience that the fishermen in today’s Gospel felt.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
The work of the Holy Spirit is just as alive today as it was then when the Apostles rowed into the deep part of the lake.
In a true sense, at one time or another, we all find ourselves “in deep water.” How we maneuver through those waters is a testimony to who we are, testing and shaping our levels of faith and trust.
All the best to you as you and your parish family move forward in building your “Hall for all.”
God bless.
Thank you for your kind words, and best wishes for our Hall project.
I love these Scripture Stories and am amazed to learn that those that He chooses are not in possession oh any degrees or intelligence! He takes these fishermen and tax collectors along with a Traitor and Makes Aposles and Saints of them.
Giving up all and following him to found an organization that catches People instead of Fish.
Showing us how to attain Eternal Life with our Creator and Neighbors.
Wow! What a great venture with Positive Results both while alive and in the Hreeafter.
We are truly Blessed to have had them follow Him., many in my City have lost their homes and possessions to the wildfires.
Material Possesions are missed but we still fave Faith ,Hope and the Love of Christ whish sustains us. Deo Gratias!
As an Altadena resident your words carry great significance.
Dear father Dave, Loved being a precious part of your wonderful University Series with Dick and I presenting the book I had authored “Mary A Woman In Love”! I’m still trying to spread our loving Jesus and our Mary’s love by giving my book to others, to the nurse that assisted us at the hospital, to the driver who drove us to our destination in Colorado, to the worker at Vons, to our grand-daughters, Gemma’s teachers ,to our relatives,to new lovely friends at St. Judes, etc! Love sharing our Jesus and Mary’s Love!!! Your University series encouraged me to share my book!! Your Series will touch so many people and change their lives to loveeeeeeee our God, our Jesus and our Mary with their whole hearts and share their love with everyome and make our world so beautiful!! Your beautiful Hall sounds wonderful!! We will pray that it will be a dream come true to share Jesus; love!!!
With loveeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!