Gospel for February 7 2021 – Mark 1:29-39
Gospel Reflections for February 7 2021
Energy that lasts.
In the Gospel story, I see why Jesus left town …and before He cured everyone who was sick. I got this from my recent experience on the freeway.
I was running out of gas, and not sure if I could make it to the next off ramp, or if there was even a gas station there. I didn’t want to run out of gas on the freeway! Then up ahead I finally saw a great big beautiful gas station. I thought it was the most wonderful gas station in the whole world! I pulled in with a big smile and got the gas I needed to get home. However, the next day I could not have told you the name of that station. I had gotten what I needed and moved on, no longer worried about gas …or that station at all.
I think Jesus felt like that gas station in today’s Gospel. After healing Peter’s mother-in-law, the word was out about His healing powers. Soon, the whole town showed up; people with broken legs, headaches, or any kind of illness. Anyone with a problem rushed to see the person who could make their pain go away. Jesus looked wonderful to them!
All of that is good. However, I’ll bet that after each cure … they each ran away happy …and soon forgot about Jesus. People used Him for what they needed, and then moved on.
Jesus did not come to change broken legs …but to change broken lives. He did not come to cure every illness …but to cure every soul …and in a way that leads to lasting happiness and eventually eternal life.
It is lasting change and happiness that Jesus provides and what we desire most of all; a good lesson for the Super Bowl, which certainly provides hours of great entertainment, but soon afterwards our memories will fade and we’ll move on to the next thing. Not many remember last year’s teams. Jesus is about things that last.
I may have forgotten that gas station, or last year’s Super Bowl, but I do not want to ever forget the person of Jesus. You can grow in your understanding and faith in Our Lord in the University Series classes coming soon on February 18th and for the next five weeks in Lent. Check out theuniversityseries.org for all the information.
You can help ensure that Our Lord will make a lasting impression for happiness on your life!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Once again – a very understandable and memorable explanation of the Gospel and Jesus.
Thanks again Fr. Dave!
Larry Schauf
You are very welcome, Larry!
Dear Father Dave,
Great metaphor of need, fulfillment, gratefulness, and remembrance. Thank you.
I did run out of gas once, and this is clearly a dumb blonde story: It was in the dead of winter, New York, and I had plans to go out. The car was in the driveway, so I turned it on to heat it up before leaving. I returned to the house, answered the phone and had a very nice chat with a friend, completely forgetting that I’d turned on the car. When I ventured back out to zero degrees, the car had stopped because it had run out of gas! Ouch.
God bless!
Amusing story! I think every one of us could tell a similar story as well.
Dear Father Dave,
Love your precious thoughts!!!It is soooooooooooooo beautiful to be appreciative of Jesus’ love through the gifts given to us by others especially in time of need and for us to show our love to those that helped!! Then we must pass it on!!! I was a young graduate from Marymount College in Palos Verdes and was fortunate to receive a teaching job at Darby Ave, School in Northridge!!! In coming home I ran out of gas in my MGA and I was fortunate to pull off to the side of the Freeway!! A young man approached me and said ” Do you need help and I told him about the gas!! He said, Just happen to have gas to help you!!! I was overjoyed!! I felt he was my Guardian angel!!! I have learned to be appreciative of others through beautiful people helping me and I sooooooooooooooooo try to pass on our Jesus’ love for I sooooooooooooooooooooo love Him and our precious Faith!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you Father Dave for you live Jesus’ love and pass it on beautifully to us!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the University series and Dick and I will be watching!!!
Have a beautiful day overflowing with our loving Jesus and our beautiful Blessed Mother’s Divine, sweet loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
I like your comments on how Jesus is the only one who can give us lasting
happiness…and we know where to find it!
It is with recognizing the Presence of the Lord within, and having a relationship
with Him is the sure way for lasting happiness here in this life and in the world
to come.
Yes, well said!
This was a true comparison of how people use Jesus and then forget Him. It was well said, thank you.
Your dear Teacher Rosemary Circo and family are good neighbor friends of mine a lovely family and somehow she got this early amazing commercial for the Super Bowl and it is beautiful, Father Dave, something the huge audience who will see it tomorrow hopefully everyone will be touched. I loved it,
Yes, Rosemary Circo is one of our best St. Bruno teachers and a wonderful pro-life beacon in our community.
Dear Father Dave
Your point is well made. We tend to appreciate the Now and forget the times to be
Remembered and thankful for. The first reading by Job is how some of us see life.
Jesus must have grown tired of curing so many Thankless people but carried on
Courageously till Crucified.
Our care takers, Doctors and Nurses are doing that today in twelve hour shifts to
Help those that are suffering today. We must keep them in our thoughts and
Prayers, Thankful for the sacrifice they make in helping to cure us these days,
Thanks for these reminders and for your splendid vocation to serve our precious
Catholic Faith.
Yes, a good reminder of the selfless health care workers who have done and continue to do so much for our communities!