Gospel Reflections for February 7 2016
You had to be there!
Jesus the carpenter offers advice to professional fisherman and it doesn’t make much sense! He tells them to lower their nets in the deeper part of the lake instead of near the shore where they know fish usually gather. We can imagine their thoughts. “Jesus, you are a carpenter… what do you know about fishing?”
Out of respect, they follow His direction and go into that deeper water, and get the largest catch ever! We can imagine their thoughts then, “Stay with us Jesus, and make our fishing company rich!” Yet that did not happen.
They actually decide to leave the fishing business and follow Jesus, despite the large catch and the promise of future fishing success. That also doesn’t make sense!
Perhaps they quickly recognized there is something about being in the presence of Jesus that makes things better and they want more of it. More than a rich catch of fish they want more of Jesus, and they will not miss out on being with Him. That is an amazing decision and they probably had a hard time explaining it to their family. Perhaps they simply said, “Well …you had to be there!” Nothing takes the place of personal experience and it was that meeting with Jesus that changed their lives forever.
Every parish is meant to be that same experience, whether at Mass, bible studies, parish school, Adoration Chapel, Sacraments like Confirmation, Marriage, and Baptisms, or religious education programs for public school children. Every event is meant to personally meet the Lord just as those happy fishermen did.
Can we use our cell phone to meet the Lord? How about social media? Can we connect with God online? Not really. Our faith is about a personal meeting with Jesus. We cannot phone it in!
Every year the University Series attracts thousands of people who actually leave their homes in the evening to drive to a nearby parish to personally connect with our Catholic faith in adult education sessions. They understand the power of a personal experience.
We can imagine what some might think, “That does not make sense!”
We can echo those fishermen in the Gospel, “You have to be there!” They felt the power that comes from simply being in the presence of Our Lord, and never regretted changing their schedule to make time to be with Him.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Image: Public domain work of art.
Artful segue, Fr. Dave
The University will soon be here!
Thanks for your commentary!
Always welcome!
Looking forwarad to The University…my choices are marked with BIG Xs
I am glad you are looking forward to it. So Am I, especially to hear Bishop Robert Barron at St. Rose on February 19th. He is an amazing addition to our Archdiocese.
Look what you’ve started, Father Dave! What a wonderful way to spread the Word. Thank you! We are so blessed to have you.
Thank you. See you in the University!
Your University Father Dave, touches many hearts and inspires people to love and live our precious Faith! Dick and are so excited to attend the classes We are so honored to once again share our love for our Jesus and our Mary in presenting ” Mary A Woman in Love!! The precious Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother with everyone!!!! The University is a beautiful, spiritual gift to all!!! We loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your gifts!!!! We will enter your boat every time and help to radiate Jesus’ love to the world!!!!
Love, Franca and Dick
You are greatly valued members of our University Faculty. Your love for Mary, Her Son, and His Church is clearly evident. See you in the University!
I liked that about the cell phone. Hmmm. Any way Jesus met them right where they were, fishing. Interesting telling them to go to deeper waters. Maybe there was a corolation between deeper waters and he had much more to teach them. Their interest, however, was surely peeked and to put down everything and just follow Him. The Holy Spirit must have really been working on them as they didn’t fully believe til laer and they got interested enough to follow Christ. That is where we should be to let go and do His will. In other countries lately we read about those in great danger following Jesus knowing they could die any second. I am reading where they are getting dreams and visions and no matter what they are following Jesus. I would hope that I would have the same strength. It sure keeps me from complaining about little things, even though they seem so big. I listened to a man from the mid east who was one of 9 children and he always had questions which drove the Muslims nuts. As he got older he secretly accepted Christ and now because the family was living in America all they did was disown him and he is out talking to Muslims. Now that is letting go of everything to follow Christ. My prayer is that Christians all over will wake up and fight for their faith in a strong way.
What a great message! Thanks for sharing it. Interesting about the Muslim man who secretly converted to Christ. Our prayers for his safety!
Not only is your comment on the readings inspiring, but to read the letters from these faithful readers make me want to follow more closely to our Lord! Thanks to all. Fran Calfo
Your message made my day! Thank you!
The University Series is a wonderful way to re-connect with our Catholic experience by making it personal, gregarious and educational. This will be our second year attending. My husband is Jewish and last year we attended the lecture on similarities of Jews and Catholics. I found it enriching as we Catholics share a rich Judeo heritage in common with our Jewish predecessors that may at times be obscured or forgotten. Although my husband is not a Catholic, he enjoys the subject matter and participates in discussions. This year we are interested in exploring the connection between science and faith. I am really looking forward to another great round. Thank you, Father Dave for pioneering this wonderful program!
Thanks for sharing your experience of the University. The Catholic-Jewish session with Rabbi Lotker is one of my favorites. He is a spectacular speaker. Check out his other session on faith and science as well.
Being a fisherman myself, your comments really rang true. As always – thanks for your keen insights!
God bless you and your University Series!
Thanks for your message. I am especially looking forward to seeing our friend Barrie Schwortz this year on February 17th at Padre Sera Parish on the Shroud of Turin. No one knows that subject more that Barrie!
What a perfect metaphor for Evangelization: going out into the deep unknown and catching untold numbers of fish! We so appreciate your skillful ability to refine and define the message!
Looking forward to University!
God’s blessings always!
Bob and Rose Mary
“Put into the deep” is also the motto of many Catholic organizations. It is a compelling message!
I loved the picture, especially where Peter is kneeling at the feet of Jesus, and Jesus is
reaching out to him!
After all those years Jesus is still the same, offering us the same invitation to “Follow Me”
as we strive to live in His Presence..
Well said!
I love reading your reflections on the gospels and the other folks comments…keep up the wonderful work, Love, Val (out in the desert)
I am glad my articles make it all the way out there! I am especially glad you find them helpful.