Gospel for February 6 2022 – Luke 5:1-11
Gospel Reflections for February 6 2022
Fishing in deeper waters
Jesus the carpenter offers advice to professional fishermen and it doesn’t make sense. He tells them to lower their nets in the deeper part of the lake instead of near the shore where fish usually gather. We can imagine their thoughts. “Jesus …you’re a carpenter… what do you know about fishing?!”
Out of respect, they follow His direction and put their ship out into deeper water, and get the largest catch of fish ever! We can imagine their thoughts then, “Stay with us …and make our fishing company rich!” Yet that did not happen.
They decide to leave the fishing business and follow Jesus, despite the large catch and the promise of future fishing success. That also doesn’t make sense!
Meeting Jesus made all the difference. They quickly recognize there is something about His presence that makes things better …and they want more of it. More than a rich catch of fish, they want more of Jesus, and they don’t want to miss their chance.
You might know that my hobby is biblical archaeology. In 1986 a typical ancient fishing boat was uncovered at the Sea of Galilee precisely where this Gospel event takes place. It was reliably dated to the time of Jesus and reveals important features. It had been repaired carefully many times and with great care and expertise. That indicates boats were very valuable business assets for the owners.
We know that some of the Apostles owned several boats. This means that when they left everything to follow Jesus …they were leaving behind a lot! That reveals how powerful was the person of Jesus to them and He was their true source of lasting happiness.
They took a risk to leave everything behind. In a way, they “put out into the deeper water,” with their own lives. We also know they never regretted it.
This month begins the annual collection for Together in Mission, where we have the chance to support poorer parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We hope you will be generous in considering a generous gift to them.
Your gift, by law, can only be used for that purpose of helping these poor parishes and schools.
We want every parish and school to be a viable place where parishioners and students can still meet the Lord today, and find the same life changing experience that the fishermen in today’s Gospel felt.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Father Dave, I love your video because I am very visual and seeing all those saints will remind me even more to sing or pray those words with more meaning in my heart. Thanks so much!
I am so glad you liked the video. I consider it one of the most important projects I have ever done. For those who might know it is on my website at daveheney.com. It is called “The Mass and Covid-10”
I did not know the site of the fishing village had been found. Biblical archeology sounds fascinating.
God bless our less fortunate brothers and sisters who are in need. I hope the parishoners in LA County fill the nets with a big deep catch so we can help those who need them to share.
Well said!
Interesting that you mentioned the finding of the boat as I just read about them finding the debrie from a boat that sunk many years ago and the coins that were found were the coins used in those days along with rings from believers.
In these times it is important to remember that Jesus is calling us to put all aside and bring those to Our Lord and not be afraid as to what to say but ask Our Lord to speak through us. There is nothing more important.
Yes, be never afraid!