Gospel for February 5 2023 – Matthew 5:13-16
Gospel Reflections for February 5 2023
No invisible Christians…
Jesus describes His disciples as a light to the world …and meant for all to see.
If you could cure Coronavirus or stop the Ukraine War, I hope you let your light shine! Why keep that good news to yourself. The world needs it now. Whatever goodness you have, Our Lord wants it to shine out always and to make good things happen.
I saw that light shine recently when I met an engaged couple for lunch to plan their wedding. I knew they were already an emotional couple, so when I asked them how they met … they started crying! That startled me, but I was impressed at their deep feelings about their love.
Then I asked about their engagement …even more emotions and tears! They made quite a scene! I noticed our waiter would approach to take our order …and then slowly back away as he noticed all the tears. (It took some time to finally have lunch!) Pretty soon, many in the restaurant took notice, and smiled as this couple clearly showed their love for each other. People love to see that!
That also affirms what the Sacrament of Marriage is all about. Our Lord wants other people to see your love in the hope that it might inspire them to love more. At the wedding, this couple showed those same emotions that inspired people in the restaurant …and everyone loved it!
They let the light of their love shine before all, at the restaurant, at their wedding, at the reception, and I am sure they still do today.
When Jesus asks you to “Let your light shine” He affirms that there are no invisible Christians, and that your faith should be visible in behavior that others can easily see. You never know how your witness will inspire others …so never fear to show your faith and love for God.
After all, you probably have the faith that you have now because of the visible faith of someone you respected. You can be that same kind of person that inspires others as well.
I know the people in that restaurant and guests at their wedding were moved by that young couple. Love has that amazing power to move people. Jesus wants you to show that faith and love every day, whether at work, at school, or at home.
Never be an invisible Christian.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
I love this “feel great” message. Thank you so much.
As for the young couple, at first, I was curious to learn how they met; although relevant, I realized that’s not the most important part of their story. The more significant importance is simply that they met and fell deeply in love with one another.
My guess is they truly believed that God brought them together and wrapped them in His love. So perfect.
God bless.
Yes, I think your comments are exactly right.
Great story of young love and even more impressive to me is the elderly couple still together after sixty five or seventy years together. Love is wonderful to see and experience. Our Faith helps create these relationships survive and flourish.
Catholic Principals and Goals are designed. To enhance and Preserve Matrimony.
Yes, I also believe that our Catholic faith is the best to help couples stay in love all of their lives.
That light shone SO BRIGHTLY last night through Lila Rose (founder of Live Action—a pro life movement)..
She was so articulate & passionate about wanting to save babies lives, but her passion was restrained with love, kindness & such trust in God’s help I felt like I was in the presence of a saint.
Fr Dave, she would be a wonderful addition to your University Series.
Yes, Lila Rose is an amazing force for good. I will look into having her speak in the University Series.
Beautiful young couple spreading our Jesus’ love and light through their love!!! It would be soooooooooooooooooooooo precious if we could touch one person a day with our Jesus’ love!!!Our world could be transformed with his light and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Let’s do it touch one person a day with love!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
Very appropriate for our times. Fr. Dave!
Today’s world needs to see and hear more Christians proclaiming the
good news of Jesus. Did He not ask us to be His disciples letting the whole world know
we belong to Him? When we are rooted in Him, He will be honored and
Well said!
At a time when Catholics and other Christians face increased persecution for their beliefs, now is especially the time to come out and overtly lead by example. This can be accomplished by blogging, having discussions with our peers and members of our communities, and imploring our congressional representatives to take action to protect our religious freedoms. As Catholics we are called to be soldiers and shepherds of the Church, even at the price of martyrdom.
Thank you for sharing some of the other ways we can make our presence known!
Sometimes it takes very little to make others happy. I once got to know someone in the neighborhood who could not get around without the use of a walker because he was disabled. When he was a twelve year old boy, he was out riding his bike and got hit by a car which left him in a coma for many weeks.
We became acquainted, and I always gave him a hug whenever I saw him. I live in a tourist town, and one day we ran into each other downtown. We stopped and talked for a little, and as I was leaving I gave him a hug. When I looked up, what did I see but a passing trolley full of tourists beaming with huge smiles upon their faces!!
A perfect example of this Gospel! Thank you for sharing it.