Gospel for February 23 2025 – Luke 6:27-38
Gospel Reflections for February 23 2025
What to do when attacked…
Some will only think of …revenge!
That has been the Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Hamas story for years.
In the First Reading. King Saul wants revenge on David …and seeks to kill him, but David sneaks into his tent at night, and has the chance to kill him instead. However, he chooses not to, and just takes the King’s spear to prove he was there. That amazing act of no revenge sets up this Sunday’s amazing Gospel verse…
If someone strikes you on the right cheek …offer the other.
Why does Jesus say this? Well, if you instantly react in revenge when another person hurts you …then you are actually controlled by that person. They have pushed your button and made you respond. Do you really want that bad person to be in charge? I hope not. Jesus offers you a new way that gives you a stronger sense of dignity and empowerment.
What actually hurts when people attack is your sense of personal dignity. That’s what striking the right cheek means. To hit someone’s right cheek with your right hand is actually a backhand slap. It is this insult to your dignity that makes you feel hurt, and not an actual physical attack.
But God affirms that your personal dignity never comes from other people. Your dignity comes directly from God, who always affirms unconditional love for you.
Therefore, no one can ever take your dignity away. Your behavior remains under your control and never an automatic response of revenge. How powerful is that!
The old way of revenge was; If you treat me well, I will treat you well. If you treat me badly …I will treat you badly. Jesus changes that to; If you treat me well, I will treat you well. If you treat me badly …I will treat you well!
A powerful idea: you will treat people well …no matter what. Therefore, you never have to worry about meeting bad people. You will just treat everyone well.
Of course, crimes, physical violence, or even Russian or Hamas aggression, must face firm resistance and accountability under law, but never for revenge, and only for the good of the other and the goal that offenders will change.
This Gospel is a path to enormous empowerment, where you remain master of your own behavior and dignity, and never a victim. Good news for the world today too.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Hi Fr Dave: Thanks for your insights on this week’s readings and how they apply to the world today. All the best, Argyle
You are very welcome!
Your explanation of what benefit results from turning the other cheek is wonderful and what is required for Peace in the World.. The unrest experienced in the last Election was another example. Voters got so upset over each others Parties and Candidates. We stopped being Civil and began detesting anyone not thinking the same Way we did about the others
Not thinking the same way we did.
I truly enjoyed listening and associating with those opposing my way of thinking So as to create dialogue to see why they felt the. Way they did.. Friendships resulted with some lnteresting individuals. Creating Solace in what otherwise causes difficulty and Hate.
Thanks Father Dave for these weekly explanations.and Inspirations.
Yes, asking people politely why they believe what they believe breaks down animosity and opens up the possibility of friendship. Well done!
A great lesson to be learned, Fr. Dave!
Thank you!