Gospel Reflections for February 23 2020
Love your enemies
These famous words in the Gospel contain profound insights and wisdom. However, it is another set of words that many find hard to understand.
What does Jesus mean when He says, “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn and offer the other.” Who wants to be a victim?
A closer look reveals a different meaning. Jesus indicates that the strike is on your right cheek. A regular right-handed person facing you must use the back of his hand to strike your right cheek. A back of the hand strike is not a power stroke, which you certainly should resist, but rather a hand slap meant to insult your dignity. Well, our dignity comes from God alone and no person can ever take it away, either with words or deeds. Since our dignity comes from God, you need not take the slap as an injury at all! No need for revenge. Jesus calls you to be a powerful and autonomous person for whom others cannot “push your buttons.”
God’s dignity does not come from us either, so when we sin, we are not “hurting” God, so His love for us remains, even when we sometimes act like His enemy.
This Gospel is good timing for a new large card you will see in the pews that helps explain what happens at the various parts of the Mass.
Remember that Jesus created this sacrament the night before He knew He would be crucified! He connects the Mass, the offering of His body and blood at the Last Supper, with his sacrifice on the cross on Good Friday, when He was surrounded by enemies!
Yet, He still creates this sacrament every day, and especially on Sunday, that reveals His willingness to lay down His life for you! That is the source of your true and full human dignity. You are a person deeply loved by God.
You can join in His one-time sacrifice and offer your prayers, your needs, and your love along with His, as He offers Himself to His Father in Heaven.
Lent is beginning this week on Ash Wednesday. Make it a special time, now more than ever, to discover this person of Jesus more deeply than ever before, in prayer, in study, and perhaps in The University Series.
Most especially, participating fully at Mass reaffirms your full human dignity that no insult can ever take away.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
I had it explained in a different way. Love your enemies so it will drive them crazy. I prefer another explanation and shows a paradox along with “The Last shall be first. I Love my Catholic Faith and abide by these commands.
The Dividend is Eternal Salvation and that is a wonderful result
Yes, your reward is “out of this world!”
Beautifully said father Dave!!! I love St. John of the cross beautiful saying!!! ” Where their isn’t love, put love and you will find love!!! If we give love to those that have hurt us we will heal hearts!!!
Love you and your giving us beautiful explanations of our precious Faith!!! We love our precious God, our loving jesus, our beautiful Blessed Mother and we love you for giving us the gift of Jesus!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
A wonderful reflection on God’s abundant lavish love for us as Fr. Joe used
to say. How good is it that He has no revenge or will ever fail to love us even
when we sin.
Our God is nothing but love, who wants us to be happy in His Presence.
All we have to do is ask.
Very well said!