Gospel Reflections for February 17 2019
The Beatitudes …your path to success
The famous list in today’s Gospel is called “The Beatitudes” which is a Latin word for “blessed” and describes a variety of behaviors. In ancient Hebrew, it also meant “Happy.” The Beatitudes gives you the path to happiness, in any language.
Is personal success the road to happiness? While we always enjoy success and achieving goals, they never seem to really satisfy, and we so seek more and more in an endless journey.
Parents may understand this Gospel better than most. While they certainly want their children to be successful, they find that the behavior of helping them is immensely fulfilling in itself.
Personal success is rewarding …but not fulfilling.
When we seek the good of another, or help another person find success, as parents often do with their children, they find that profoundly fulfilling and meaningful.
Here is my retelling of the Beatitudes list in my own words.
Happy are the poor who understand the value of even a little amount …and are grateful for it.
Happy are the hungry who know the value of food …and never take it for granted.
Happy are those in sorrow who learn compassion …and feel deeply for another’s pain.
Happy are those who receive insults …who now know from where their personal dignity comes.
Sad are those who seek personal wealth as your only reward …it will be your only reward.
Sad are those who feel full now …and will learn it is just never enough.
Sad are those who only seek entertainment …and will find it gets old quickly.
Sad are those seek only the praise of others …and will find it ends quickly.
If you have good things or even if you don’t have good things, both can lead you to God and happiness, if you use whatever you have for the good of others.
This is the way of the Lord and the path to lasting happiness.
Our University Series in the Los Angeles area offers over 70 sessions during Lent with practical ideas on just how to live that kind of life that Jesus lived. You can preregister for $5 per session, and bring a friend for free, or pay $7 at the door, and bring a friend for free. Preregistration ends soon, so take advantage of the discount. See theuniversityseries.org.
This is the time to start an even happier life!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
“Happy are those in sorrow who learn compassion …and feel deeply for another’s pain.”
That particular expression jumped out at me. As a widower after a beautiful Life Long Marriage I have found some peace as a grief group facilitator and our parish Bereavement Team member. It is in helping others that I have helped myself. Thank you for reenforcing and encouraging me “to not waste the pain” -(Joel Osteen)
Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your experience as a Bereavement Team member.
Father Dave, you remind us again that happiness, like winning a door prize, is fleeting. But joy, like doing something nice for someone lasts forever.
Well said!
Fr. Dave,
I am grateful for the “beatitudes in your words” .
God does want us to be happy in this world and in eternity, with our hearts full of love and gratitude and kindness towards our brothers and sisters.
Prayer is my way to be grounded in the divine love he has for us.
God Bless
Yes, it is prayer that keeps us connected and grounded with the Lord.
Happy are those who are gifted with wise counsel such as this …and apply it in their lives.
Absolutely! Well said.
Father Dave, Love the Beatitudes and love your interpretation!!!To see the world through Jesus’ words is such a precious gift!! To live those precious words makes living life a beautiful one!!Love, compassion, forgiveness, reaching out to others brings such joy in ones soul!!! Beautiful Faith, beautiful life!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it and we loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you for giving our loving Jesus so beautifully to us!!! Loveeeee the University series!! See yoiu there!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thanks you!
Thank you, Father Dave, your words are beautiful in giving us another way to think when thinking of the Beatitudes just loving and simple.
Christ Peace
You are very welcome!
Your “restated” translated Beatitudes into contemporary vernacular are extremely helpful in
application to daily living.
Thank you, as always, for your insights, and those of the impressive list of participants in
The University program.
Participation, where possible, is a must with much insight and inspiration to be gained.
To all who can, we urge you to add enrichment to your lives. You will not be disappointed.
Missing you at SPB! Bob and Rose Mary
See you in the University! I am profoundly grateful and happy that so many people find the University Series rewarding and helpful.
Fr. Dave:
Thank you for your translation into contemporary vernacular.
Further insight into many topics can be attained by participation in the University Series.
Still missing you at SPB!
Bob and Rose Mary
Thank you for your kind words. I will back at SPB in April in the University Series. Looking forward to it!
Beautiful thoughts, Fr. Dave!
Isn’t it so easy to recite the Beatitudes, but a challenge to live them in our lives?
Jesus cares about us so much that He offers us helps that will make us happier in this
life and the next, and the freedom that He gives us is our choice to make.
“You will be happy if you do this”…
He is our guide and the only one worth following!
YEs, it is easier to say them then live them, but saying them often does help!
Dear Father Dave,
The Beatitudes are beautiful Thank you for your reflections and retelling.
God bless you.
You are very welcome!
Thank you very much Fr. Dave for your retelling of the Beatitudes. It gives me hope. It also allowed me to remain steadfast.
Yes, the Beatitudes were meant to do just that, keep our faith steadfast.
I love your interpertation.. It does seem that when I am going through something I get the right Gospel message to remind me where my heart should be and this one trully does.
The Gospels always seem to come at just the right time!
Your interpertation of the beatitudes puts it all in the right place,,
I was in the hospital the other day and the lady next to me who spoke little english was in great pain. U could tell it was her first surgery ever. So i went over and asked her if I could pray with her. She cud understand me but could only ans. In a few words. She was so excited and we prayed and for a time forgot about the pain she was in. I therefore was so blessed in praying for her that i forgot about the pain i was in.
What a great story! Thank you for sharing it. Prayer in action!