Gospel Reflections for February 16 2020
Say yes when you mean yes
Do people always believe you when you speak? I hope so. That is the goal Our Lord has for you in today’s Gospel.
I remember years ago I was driving to some meeting when I suddenly saw a red light in my rear view mirror. Of course, I pulled over and then the Officer slowly walked up to my window, and indicated that I had been …speeding! I said, “Officer, I can assure that I was not speeding at all.” The Officer then said, “I am so terribly sorry! This was an unnecessary stop and I deeply apologize. Please continue on your way with all my good wishes for your journey!”
Okay, this dialogue did not actually happen, and I did get a ticket, along with a valuable lesson learned about driving safely.
However, wouldn’t it be wonderful if people always believed everything you said? If you had a reputation for always and everywhere speaking honestly and truthfully so that in any event people would automatically trust your words …even Officers!
Jesus said some amazing and powerful words in today’s Gospel that would normally have shocked his audience. There were no more important words for His audience than the scriptures. Yet Jesus speaks in a way that indicates only He is the only true interpreter of their meaning.
Jesus repeatedly affirms about various Old Testament verses, “You have read this verse …but what I tell you about that verse is this…”
Jesus affirms He has the authority to interpret all of scripture. Many people believed Him then because of the years of authentic speaking they had already heard from Him. They were not shocked because they knew He always spoke honestly and truthfully.
Think about how often people rely on your word today. I will meet you at 1pm. I will pick up the kids at 3pm. I will complete this project by Friday. Life works to the extent that you keep your word and agreements.
You are coming soon to the beginning of the Season of Lent, a time when you might consider making a Lenten promise, perhaps giving up this or that behavior, or adding a great new event like the University Classes. Today’s Gospel encourages you to be a person of your word. Only make a resolution that you know that you can keep.
That way, people will always respect your word!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Beautifully said Father Dave!!! ” Be a person of your word!!!” and with our words we may touch others with our precious Jesus’ love!!! We will be at your wonderful University which enlightens us so beautifully in our loving Faith!! Hope to see you!!!
Have a beautiful day filled with our loving Jesus and our precious Blessed Mother’s LOVE!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
The University Series is a great program for the community. I have attended several times. I highly recommend it. I am looking forward to it this Lenten Season.