You cannot meet the Lord and stay the same.
In today’s Gospel, a man in desperate need of healing meets the Lord and walks away completely cured.
When you meet the Lord good things happen …broken hearts heal, souls are saved, and hope comes alive for a better future. That is why everything we do at St. Bruno is designed to help us meet the Lord in a personal way that makes a real difference in your life. We have Mass every day, confessions on weekends, bible studies, our large and vibrant Youth and Confirmation programs, Religious Education Program, and of course, our large elementary school.
I am especially happy to include our University Series that is about to start in a few days which promises to be the biggest ever. We will have over 50 sessions that connect our faith to real life. However, our goal is not the size of our programs, but to whom they are directed.
Everything we do in our parish is about our meeting the Lord in a personal way because we want every person to have the opportunity to have those life changing experiences that only He can bring.
Today, I want to expand the boundaries of our parish to include a much wider area that includes the very poorest parishes of our Los Angeles Archdiocese.
Today, at Mass, we will have our regular annual collection for Together in Mission, that helps support these poorest parishes and schools. You may have already received the letter asking for your help, and perhaps you have already mailed your gift in. If so …thank you! If not …you can participate in the process at Church today.
Please be assured that your donations, by law, can only be used for this noble purpose. I personally know many of the pastors and school principals in these poor parishes and I know they are honorable people who want to provide the same experience of the Lord in their community that we can do here.
St. Bruno parishioners have always been a leader in this collection, so I hope you will be generous again this year.
The opening of the Olympics showcases excellence in athletics. This is our chance to showcase excellence in charity and love for our brothers and sisters in Catholic parishes and schools throughout Los Angeles. May God bless you for your support!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
The Man cured of leprosy was told not to tell anyone. How can you keep that a secret. I would have been so elated that I would not have kept my mouth shut and we all know how “quiet” and shy I am…
I think Our Lord was worried he would tell the wrong story, that Jesus was here only to provide miracles and not change lives.
Father Dave, A most beautiful day to you overflowing with our precious Jesus and our beautiful Blessed Mother’s Divine Loveeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! How blessed we all are!! and for eternity!!! Beautiful faith, beautiful life!! We loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! Love your loving” University Series”, love “Together In Miussion” and loveeee you for giving us fthe gift of our precious Jesus!!! We will be involved in these two most beautiful, projects of love!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dsick
Thank you!