Gospel Reflections for February 1 2015
At Mass you will hear the voice of God …and during the game you will hear the “voice” of the most brilliantly researched and effectively crafted commercials of the year. What’s the difference?
The Super Bowl attracts an immense audience. People who never watch football will tune in. Advertisers know they have a golden opportunity to reach millions of people with an ad that could increase sales. We hope that happens! A successful business adds more jobs, and jobs means family prosperity.
However, a large audience also means Networks can charge a lot for the privilege of reaching them. It will cost about 4 million dollars for just a 30 second spot. That is $130,000 per second!
Therefore, advertising researchers use the latest psychological techniques to craft just the right commercial that will entice you to watch, listen, and later buy their product. If you want to see what that latest research reveals, stay tuned during commercials.
Everyone in today’s Gospel sees that the voice of Jesus is also effective and compelling. He makes things happen. He even forces a powerful evil spirit to call it quits and leave. People see an evil spirit that was blocking the progress of a poor soul become utterly defeated, and they are impressed. They have watched and listened, and now they want to “buy” by following Jesus.
Perhaps you might feel there are forces blocking your progress or happiness. Maybe you feel you need more than what Super Bowl advertisers can offer to make a difference in your life. How can you hear and recognize the voice of God in your life?
When we look at all scripture accounts of God speaking, we can see a certain pattern emerge. In each and every case, when God speaks, He always …and only, offers wise encouragement.
God encourages us in the literal sense of that powerful word, “en-courage” which means to instill courage. God is saying “Have no fear. You can achieve this goal. You can accomplish that task. You can overcome this sinful habit and break that sin. You can develop that noble virtue. …I believe in you!”
God’s gift of courage also includes wisdom, which simply means we should use good old fashioned common sense. Having seen past Super Bowls and been impressed at the dynamic actions of professional football players, I should also wisely know that it does not make common sense for me to think I can play for the Green Bay Packers! God offers common sense along with courage.
Fortunately, it will not cost you $130,000 per second to get this message. We know it comes from the best research from the God who made us. That is a compelling message that I will watch, listen, and definitely “buy!”
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr Dave, I find this interesting being I was raised Jewish and never heard the voice of God there and now I go to a Catholic Church because my wife does. I want to hear the Voice of God. Maybe you are correct and there are forces which are preventing me from hearing it or maybe I don’t know what to listen for. Maybe I want all the answers before I’m willing and able to hear the voice. As far as Super Bowl commercials go I love the Budweiser commercials, yet I will never buy the product because I just don’t like it. So even the expense commercial voice can’t get me in.
I really like your response about Budweiser. You do not have to drink beer at all to appreciate the wonderful sentiments of their commercials about the loyalty and courage of friends towards each other, whether between persons, or between a Clydesdale horse and a puppy.
Thank you Father. You may not be able to play for the the Packers, but you would make one hell of a coach.
Great message…courage and wisdom…fortitude and prudence.
Thanks again for the focus.
I will put aside my Packer dreams, but I will continue, as best I can, the great tradition of Coach Vince Lombardi working to bringing out the best in his players!
Hi Father:
Our bible study group is using Matthew Kelly’s Rediscover Catholicism. A spiritual guide I to living with passion & purpose. Mr. Kelly says in the book to be the best version of yourself. I am trying to be the best version of myself by thinking & planning what I need to work on before Lent. Prayer, diet & being more organized are my goals.
Have a nice weekend, Father.
I am a big fan of everything that Matthew Kelly produces. I was especially glad that he spoke here at St. Paschal’s last year, to over 900 people. He is the best!
$4 million for 30 seconds! With a “captive audience” it seems almost worth it. I personally would not give you 2 cents for some products but it provides time for a bathroom break, or thoughts of other committments. Every parish priest has a “captive audience” every Sunday with his homily. But because the regular run of the mill homily does not provoke the mind to greater thoughts. Folks are thinking of other things….the grocery list, the childrens activities, the chores needing attention. Homilists desperately need to hone the task! Thank you a million for the work done in THE UNIVERSITY SERIES. Each year we can hardly wait to review the opportunities to hear the presentations for such a small fee. Every presentation is so very worth while. The choices are great. The University Series is a multi million dollar blessing. .
You are so right in that there is a golden opportunity for priests to use their ten minute sermon time to change lives for the better. I wish that more of them would learn from the Super Bowl advertisers!
I am glad you enjoy the University Series!
I have to make a pitch for mental prayer: start with 10 mins. a day, in a quiet place with just you, a worthwhile spiritual book (preferably by a saint), God, and a spirit of openness to what the Holy Spirit might want to tell you. No snacks or beer allowed until 10 mins. are up. Do it every day, increasing the time and frequency until eventually you can pray for 30 mins. twice a day. If you are faithful and patient, one day soon you will find yourself with a new Best Friend.
I think this is a perfect recipe for spiritual greatness! Thank you for sharing it.
I guess that the Super Bowl draws myriads of people into a joyful “coming together” to witness a spectacular event. It must be a lot like the drawing of the people of Israel to the Temple for the passover in ancient days. According to history, that is something that any Hebrew would not have missed come “Hell or high water”.
I guess that things have not changed much since then. People will be flocking to the TV, alone or in small or large groups (vs. the St. Paschal Super Bowl Party) to view and be immersed in the spectacle. But, I think, it is not so much the spectacle as it is relationship of us with each other.
I was privileged to attend the 5K Nun Run today (Saturday). This was a splendid drawing of people together for a joyful relationship experience. It couldn’t have been better, and the weather was perfect (how else could it be with 2000 SNDs praying for it?
God bless you and your work!
I am glad all went well for the run for La Reina Sisters!
Thanks for your comments! I am glad the Run went well. Human beings are at their best when they accomplish worth causes together.
Father Dave:
I’m thinking you must have written this prior to the last 2 minutes of the Seahawks/Green Bay game, with your reference to not being able to play for the Packers LOL!! Being a Chicagoan, I think that game ended brilliantly.
As always, thanks for your insight on the influence of ads…….the Super Bowl is the one time that I actually stay in my seat to watch commercials, but I don’t feel I’ve ever been “sold” on anything because of it.
Sadly, as a life long Packer’s fan, I wrote knowing that had already lost, but still knowing they are still my favorite team. I am a fan because of the lifelong witness of Vince Lombardi, who was a daily Mass communicant, and actually served as an altar server at that daily Mass. I am a Vince Lombardi fan not only for that, but also because he saw his role as a football coach as also a “life Coach” to his players and endeavored every year to instill character lessons into his athletes. I wish there were more like him!
Yesterday’s game had the largest TV audience ever. IT is an amazing national phenomenon!
The comparison of powerful influence of the Super Bowl commercials to today’s Gospel is excellent!! The Gospel of Mark provides proof of the power of God’s voice. Even the devil knew God’s voice and listened. We missed your presence at The St. Paschal’s Super Bowl party. Did you enjoy the game and the ads?
I thought it was one of the most exciting Super Bowl games of all. No matter who wins, it is exciting when it all comes down to the last play. I also thought the ads were better too.