Gospel Reflections for December 30 2018
I told you where I can be found!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas this year. Our Christmas Eve masses were packed with people at four overflowing Masses and our Christmas Day Masses were full as well. I am glad that so many came to Church this week.
Christmas remembers the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem 2018 years ago, but sometimes people today wonder where He can be found today, and especially throughout the year?
Looking for Jesus is the theme of today’s Gospel.
At the age of twelve, which was the age of adulthood in ancient times, Joseph and Mary take Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to celebrate his emergence into adult life, but lose track of Him on the return to Nazareth. They look for Him all over the place, finally finding Him in the temple among the Teachers there asking questions …and answering their questions.
Joseph and Mary ask Jesus, “Did you not know we were looking for you?”
Jesus responds with at first a puzzling question. “Why were you looking for me?” He certainly does not doubt his parents concern but only that it would have been very easy to find Him! No need for desperate looking! After all, He must always be in His Father’s House!
What was going on with Jesus in the Temple? Questions and answers! It is in that dialogue of sincere questioning that God is discovered.
I am the son of a scientist, so I grew up always asking questions …about everything. I was fortunate to have people around me who encouraged that as well. That questioning helped me deepen my faith, and here I am now as a priest for the last 40 years!
Mary would have known the power of questions since the very first time she speaks in the scriptures occurs when she ask a question to the Angel Gabriel when she is told she will be the mother of the Savior.
A family is the school of love. This is the place where children learn about life, love, and commitment. They learn how to listen to other’s thoughts, respectfully express themselves, have respectful disagreements, and seek even more knowledge. Always encourage their questions, and help them seek answers from reliable sources.
Our University Series coming this Lent also offers everyone that same opportunity to hear about God, and then ask questions.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Hi Fr Dave:
Always appreciate you wonderful insights. Happy New Year to you, We are looking forward to the upcoming University series.
Argyle Nelson
Bigger than ever this year. Happy New Year!
A most blessed, joyous New Year to you Father Dave!!! St. Bruno and its beautiful people are soooooooo blessed to have you for our Jesus lives so beautifully in you!!! Your University series embraces our Faith in love so beautifully!!! It is a seed that is spreading our Faith so lovingly that someday all of our precious America will be touched in Jesus’; love!!! Looking so forward to our beautiful series and hopefully we will see beautiful you!!!
With much love for your friendship and spreading Jesus’ love to everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Happy New Year!
This is interesting as I went to Saturday night Mass and was hearing a different message and couldn’t wait to get home to do a reflection. Although it was about honoring your father. l
This was interesting as I went to church ‘Saturday night and couldn’t wait to come home and do a reflection. Then I listened to the Gospel and it was a different one. Although at the end Jesus dd go with his parents and submitted to them. Of course Jesus was blessed with wonderful and saintly parents.
I had to go through much during a course of a 2 year battle to forgive my parents and it is in the Bible to honor your father and mother. It doesn’t say to honor your “good” father and mother and at the time I was in a fundamentalist group and it was a battle I’ll never forget to forgive a violent alcoholic. But when the battle is over and you win, what a blessing it is. To God be the glory.
You made quite a remarkable and wonderful journey of forgiveness!
Fr. Dave,
Abundant blessings and graces, and heartfelt thanks for your continuing Gospel Reflections. While I don’t oftentimes reply, please be assured I do oftentimes read them with great joy and reassurance of our Lord. Keep up the great work!
God bless you and those dear to you.
You can count on my prayers, and I will depend on yours.
In Jesus’ Love.
Thank you, and Happy New Year!
Dear Father Dave,
I’ve always wondered about this particular gospel narrative. I think it also demonstrates the human nature of Jesus.
Often as a young teen I didn’t understand why my mom would worry about me. After all, I knew I was fine.
Yes, the family is first and foremost the “school of love.” It’s our Introduction to the world….
God bless you and keep you well and happy in the days and months of our new year, 2019!
Thank you so much for your dedication to these weekly reflections.
You are very welcome! I am so glad you find these articles helpful.
Merry Christmas (still in the octave) Fr. Dave. The questions we all have about those 18 years of silence about the finding in the Temple and the baptism in the Jordan remains a mystery that is still intriguing. I have to admit it brings a smile to my face and a tongue in cheek
thought about Mary.?”OM gosh. I ljust lost God.”
Yes, the presence of God is often lost and then found again throughout our life.