Gospel for December 25 2022 – John 1:1-18
Gospel Reflections for December 25 2022
An important Christmas person…
The Nativity Scene in every Church has most of the famous persons in the Christmas story. There is always the child Jesus, and then Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, three Magi, maybe a few animals, and often an angel above them all as well.
Earlier in Advent we heard a lot about John the Baptist. He prepared the way for people to accept Our Lord.
There is another important person that I think should get more attention, and that is Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist.
The Bible says he was an elderly priest in the Jerusalem Temple, and “Learned in the Scriptures.” It was not uncommon then for bible scholars to have memorized the entire Old Testament! Therefore, he knew well the story of Moses parting the Red Sea, the Prophet Elijah healing sick people, and many other amazing miracles of God. However, he and his wife sadly had no children …and were now quite old.
One day he is told by an angel that they will soon bear a newborn son! Amazingly, Zachariah doubts this good news. Why is that? How could someone who knew of all of God’s spectacular miracles doubt that God could do this miracle?
I am sure that Zachariah fully believed in all the miracles that God did for other people, like Moses and Elijah, but just could not believe that God would actually do a miracle …for him.
I think this “Zachariah” feeling is too common today. The Christmas story is more than just recalling the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem but rather accepting Our Lord into your life today as well. The Zachariah story tells you simply to …not be Zachariah! Jesus means to come into your life as powerfully He came to Bethlehem 2022 years ago..
When the birth of Jesus was announced “When Quirinius was governor of Syria…” it was a way of saying that Jesus arrived in a real historical time among real people and in real places. That is still the case today. Our Lord means to arrive in your life, at this time, and in this place.
Christmas is not a kind of nostalgia for the beautiful events that happened long ago to Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and Magi in Bethlehem. Christmas is meant for you to accept that Our Lord desires to be born in your life now, and may even have miracles in store for you.
Merry Christmas!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you this enlightenment!
I do believe that miracles happen to us as well. Oftentimes, they appear as coincidences, but they’re not!
Have a holy and blessed Christmas. May the baby Jesus touch you with His heartfelt love.
Thank you for your very kind thoughts!
Father Dave,
I believe in miracles as they have happened many times in my life. I am just an ordinary woman who did not have very good parents and was snared by the evil many times in my life. Fortunately, I had a very loving grandmother who introduced me to the Catholic faith and through the power of the Holy Spirit sparked a belief in me that God is with us and wants us to have goodness in our lives. I turned to prayer many times during the snares of the devil and God worked miracles and open opportunities for me to make good decisions. Today I am receiving many blessings in my life, and I believe it is the result of my belief in God and turning to Him for guidance.
Thank you for your insightful Gospel reflection today which reaffirms that miracles do happen when you put your faith in God.
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.
Thank you for sharing some of your story. Thank God for your loving grandmother!
Thanks Fr. Dave for pointing out that Christ came to be with EACH OF US. A very needed reminder!
Yes, each and every person and in a very personal way.
Thank you for this wonderful perspective on Christmas today. I never thought of it this way, but it makes me feel like I am a welcomed participant in the unfolding story of Christmas.
Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas and Peaceful New Year, Father Dave
Yes, Our Lord always wants to feel like a welcomed participant.
Fr. Dave,
Your reflection cuts right through my “Zechariah” moments — the times the darkness of the world clouds my mind turning me away from our Lord and his coming. I ponder how can it ever be better out in the world and grow sad.
However that sadness can be overcome by the wonder of Christ coming to me and each of us when we open ourselves up to Him and not the world. That’s the great miracle which fills my/our heart(s).
Blessings and Merry Christmas,
Deacon Gary
All great thoughts. Thanks for sharing them.
Merry Christmas
Jesus is love
Jesus is the light to cast out darkness
He taught us and wants us to be the
Light = Love = Life
Many Blessings
Well said!
Hi Father Dave:
As always, a wonderful insight in to the Christmas season.
Merry Christmas,
Thank you. I am glad you liked it.
Thank you!