Gospel Reflections for August 9 2020
Finding God in a storm…
In the first reading, Elijah is an Old Testament prophet who learns that God will speak to him soon. Moments later, there is a mighty windstorm, earthquake, and firestorm.
Sounds like God is talking, right? Those were the usual places that ancient people believed God spoke, but our first reading says those days are over. God speaks to Elijah not in frightening natural events, but in a small quiet voice that is personal …and just for him to hear.
Elijah was wise and not distracted by what others said was God’s voice, or all these wild natural events, but kept his attention on the authentic voice of God.
In the Gospel, Peter and the disciples are on a small boat in a large stormy sea. That must have been terrifying. People then were frightened by the sea. Yet, Jesus boldly invites Peter to actually get out of the boat …and even walk on the raging waves …would you have gotten out?
Amazingly, Peter does get out and walks on the water toward Jesus. While He keeps his eyes on Our Lord, he remains afloat, but when he takes notice of the storm and takes his eyes off Jesus …he begins to sink. He should have followed Elijah’s good example!
Windstorms, earthquakes, firestorms, and even the coronavirus are all natural events. We do not place any special revelation from God in any of these. What God does reveal is the grace and wisdom He provides for your spiritually healthy response to natural challenges.
Our challenges today come from riots, violence, and massive property destruction that arise from selfish human purposes. They are not from God at all. You will need His grace here as well to never let these sad events distract you from a life of love.
What is remarkable about Elijah and eventually …even Peter, is their having a strong focus on God and His message of love no matter what else was happening, whether windstorm, earthquake, or firestorm.
The world today can be a bewildering place of conflicting news stories, outrageous racist claims and accusations, and even violent threats from rioters and mobs.
You can learn a lot from the example of Elijah and Peter. Never let anything distract you from your focus on God and His love for you. Most especially, never let anything prevent you from showing His love to others, no matter what is going on in our world.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr. Dave is right again. No matter what, God still loves us and we need to pass that love on to others! If everyone did so, we’d have heaven – not hell- on earth!
Yes, that is the right recipe for heaven on earth!
Fr. Dave thanks for this gospel, that reminded me the importance of not got distracted for natural events and by disturbance of riots, etc. God always loves us, and we are in the need of giving love and understanding to others and to our neighbour.
God bless you Father Heney.
Thank you for your kind comments!
Love your precious words Father Dave!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee focusing on God and his amazing, beautiful love for us and always share His precious love with others!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! We are beautifully trying!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick!!
Thank you!
Paragraph seven is spot on! Thanks for your level-headed insight. Both your Padre Serra and BLM articles were excellent, as well.
Cheers, Linda Travis
Yes, that is the key paragraph in the Gospel Reflection for sure.
Thank you thank you thank you Fr. Dave you brought a smile to my face and inspiration to my heart. I was feeling a little discourages this week because I am worried for my parents that they find a house to rent than the apartment they are in. Trust in God. I will pass this on to my other siblings and friends! May God continue to graciously bless you.
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you will share the Reflections with family and friends too!
Isn’t this Gospel the story of life!
Like Peter walking on the water, we want to go to Jesus, but when the trials
and tribulations of life overwhelm us, we tend to lose sight of Him.
But like Peter, if we call on Jesus, we have a loving God who stretches out
His hand to help us.
Yes, well said!
Yes this is a time to rely keep our eyes on the Lord. It is esy to get distracted with all that is happening. Although I do think it is time for Christians to say they have had enough. This is also a testing for Christians to se who we really serve. Do I go to Mass to just be there or to serve Our Lord. It is easy to get distracted these days and a fight to stay focused on what is important and that is our relationship with Our Lord
Well said!
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you another uplifting message. We are living in bewildering times, but then every season has its own measure of conflict … the scope of which constantly tests us spiritually, physically, and mentally.
I have a friend who is struggling with advanced cancer that has spread to her bone and brain. Every day, she reaches out to several people in need with either a phone call or an email message, and every night when she says her prayers, she is so thankful to God for the day she has just lived.
When she shared this deeply personal and happy message, It had a profound impact on me.
Perhaps in a way, she’s like Peter and has stepped out of the safety of the boat. Or she’s like Elijah and is listening to the whispering voice of God.
Father Dave, thank you for your ministry in always spreading God’s word.
Kathleen A.
Thank you for sharing this inspiring story of your friend! She is very wise.
Thanks Father Dave for this reminder to keep our eyes firmly on the Lord. It will help us all in the coming months as well as now. Whatever satan throws at us becomes strangely dim in the Light of Gods glory and grace.
Yes, our focus on the Lord will keep us safe from any storm.
Amen to paragraph five. Our God is a loving God and Jesus showed us the way to transcend the perils of this world & find true peace in our hearts.
Well said!
When listening to the readings I can’t help thinking of these last 2 weeks. Why we need to keep our eyes focused on the Lord and not circumstances.. We have had a friend who was in a cult and she was taken to the Alpha program and Couple of Christ program. Very very very angry person. Saw everything wrong in everything. It was hard to love her let alone like her. But that wasn’t what God said, God said to love her. After a long time of just being there for her she wound up having to go to the hospital for surgery.
She had expressed that she wanted to be baptized. So after talking to her we called Fr. Joe and he ran over there and Baptized her and anointed her for the sick. When I talked to her later it wasn’t the same person. I was wondering who I was talking to. She got zapped by the Holy Spirit and I was talking to a brand new person. We talked of her constantly praising God and forgiving those who hurt her (and there were plenty/. She agreed and after surgery she said she ws in a lot of pain and we prayed and reminded her to continually praise God. She agreed.
The next day she went into a comma and on Friday she passed away. We are praising God cause she got set free before death and believe she is now singing with the angels with no more pain and is now a new creation.
That is why no matter what we need to move with what God says and never give up. Not to worry about how acts but see how God sees them.
What a remarkable and amazing story of faith, and at the very end of life too. Thank you for sharing it.