Gospel for August 8 2021 – John 6:41-51
Gospel Reflections for August 8 2021
Receive the Body of Christ
This is the last of several Gospels in a row about the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus that we receive at Mass.
Jesus is making His case over and over again that this is the main event that He designed for all time in which we authentically receive Him. He gives no other teaching as much attention …which indicates just how important the Eucharist is.
Remember that Jesus established the Eucharist on the night before He died and while gathered with His Disciples at the Last Supper. Certainly, the words and actions of anyone about to die are important.
Yet, all the Gospel accounts show how difficult people found it to believe and accept what Jesus said. Perhaps it is still difficult for some people today as well. That is certainly understandable. It takes a lot of faith to accept that Jesus is present in bread and wine.
But after all, our faith is in His word …and not just our ability to understand. If you believe that Jesus is who He said He was, and His resurrection from the dead certainly verified He is the Son of God, then you can take His word …that He is present in this bread and wine in a very special and objective way.
There are certainly times to debate ideas. Our nation was founded on your freedom to determine your own future by voting for officials, meeting in town halls to discuss issues, and freely expressing your opinions. Today there is a robust debate about Covid guidelines, border and immigration laws, and new economic policies.
These complex issues invite all of us to participate in a lively but always respectful debate. The consequences are important and even a matter of life and death. I hope all our politicians and citizens behave well.
Our faith is of a different order. Our faith is something we receive from Our Lord, not determine for ourselves based on our own whims, preferences, or votes. I will always question the Gospel to understand it more deeply but also always gladly submit in humility to the teachings of Our Lord.
While I like voting, speaking my opinion, and discussing current events, I trust that the Eucharist is exactly what Our Lord intended and what we need for the good health of our soul. The consequences are also literally lifesaving …our eternal life.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Your series on the Eucharist have been most informative and instructive. Thank you. I think C. S Lewis said something to the effect that Jesus said take this and eat. Jesus did not say take this and understand. Faith is so necessary.
Yes, I think you understood the article well!
We beautiful lBelieve!!! Our loving Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist !! A precious gift of eternal LOVE!!! We are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo blessed!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Faith and loveeeeeeeeeeeeee you Father Dave and all our loving priests who give us the gift of Jesus in the Holt Eucharist!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
Franca and Dick
Thank you!
You gave me thoughts to share with the 6-8 graders I work with!! Will put this one in with my notes and quote from my friend Fr. Dave.
have a great week!
Always glad that my article might help 6th to 8th Graders!
Hi Father Dave:
Barbara and I always enjoy your insights. You and Bishop Barron are our go to. I hope you are having a good summer and made it over to Catalina.
God bless,
I am glad you enjoy the articles each week. Yes, I made it over to Catalina and caught a nice 4 pound Bonita off of Long’s Point.
I loved your last sentence as we all do have our own opinion on how to vote. I hope we all read Gods Word to determine what God has to say about it. I hope I can put aside my personal opinion to seek Gods will not mine.
Yes, always His will and not ours!