Gospel for August 6 2023 – Mark 9:2-10
Gospel Reflections for August 6 2023
Recreation, Vacation, Restoration …and Transfiguration!
We are deep into the summer months now as August begins. For many people it is a time of rest and relaxation, and for a lucky few, some vacation time as well.
Why do we look forward to vacations so much? Even if we enjoy our regular routine, whether at home, school, or office, we also enjoy doing different and fun things. We even use an interesting word to describe these events. We call them …recreational.
Think of that word …it literally means to “re-create” or “create anew.” That implies that what is being re-created in your life is, well …in need of it!
After all, things wear down, and our own energy and spirit can wear down over time as well. A few days away from our usual daily routine can help us develop a different overall perspective that can come from a relaxing time at the beach, or a beautiful and scenic mountainside, or just about any great vacation place.
Even staying at home for a “Stay-Vacation” can help!
Today’s Gospel offers something that will never fade, never diminish, and never wear down. Jesus knows His disciples are about to enter a pagan world to bring the message of salvation to a sometimes-hostile world. He knows it will be hard and stressful work at times. He wants them to rely on something that will always be at full strength for them wherever they are.
Jesus took several of His closest followers to a mountaintop and was transfigured before them. No one today knows exactly what happened, but the testimony of His disciples was that it was wonderful! They never forgot it and it stayed with them for the rest of their lives.
Jesus is that person that will never fade, diminish, or wear down, and you can receive Him every day in the Eucharist at every Mass.
Jesus replicated that event by His daily presence with them in the Eucharist. He was the daily bread that would sustain them in all of their future adventures no matter how stressful.
The very best “re-creation” comes from time spent with Our Lord.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Recreation is wonderful for body and soul. I remember one of your sermons from awhile ago and it stuck with me to this day. You mentioned life as being like a leaf on the tree and you enjoy the Blue Sky a slight breeze a touch of moisture when it rains and seeing sun and moon rises and setting. Then when Fall arrives you dry up , turn beautiful colors and descend to the earth below..
What a great description of our presence here on Earth. Our Eternal Home is elsewhere in a
Kingdom of Great Joy and Recreation spent wisely reminds us of that.
Y’all have a Great Transfiguration Sunday and Enjoy your Vacations . Thanks Father Dave.
Thanks for the memory of that sermon. I may just use it again!
Love your precious words Father Dave!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee receiving our precious Jesus in the Holy Eucharist!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee receiving His loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and the beauty of life is sharing Jesus’ love with everyone!!!Thank you for giving us our precious Jesus so beautifully!!! You are lovingly loved by our loving God, our precious Jesus and our beautiful Blessed Mother for all you do to transform the world in Jesus’ Love!!! So happy you are a precious part of our heart and lives!!!A lovely Transfiguration Sunday to you!!!! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad you were born!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Thanks again for a great reflection.
I’m taking a mini-break hour, just sitting in the backyard. Yes, there is a little breeze, the birds are chirping, it’s about 80 degrees, and the local motorcyclist zoomed by out front … probably late for the five!
Seriously, it is heartwarming to truly understand our relationship with our Savior, Jesus, and to know that He is always present.
God bless you.
Thank you for sharing your mini-break thoughts!