Gospel Reflections for August 30 2020
Gospel for August 30 2020 – Matt. 16:21-27
You can see the storm coming…
This week two powerful storms landed on Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi areas. However, people had seen them coming for weeks and so many took the right steps to prepare their homes and businesses from damage. If you see the storm coming …you know what to do.
Storms are a natural part of the weather in that area, and have been there for millions of years. However, because so many towns and cities are there now, these storms seriously impact families even with the best preparations.
Yet, despite the strong winds, pounding rain, and record high flooding, courageous First Responders, neighbors, and friends used every means possible to seek out those who are in trouble and provide help. No storm would stop them!
What does it mean to be courageous? Courage does not remove fear …it helps you act in love for people in danger despite your fears.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus sees a storm coming. He knows Jerusalem is filled with sinful people with violent emotions and predicts He will suffer greatly if He goes there. Peter tries to convince Him to turn away and seek safety instead.
Jesus confronts him with some of the strongest words ever, “Get behind me, Satan!” Jesus recognizes that an appeal to seek safety and security precisely when loved ones are in trouble, is precisely what Satan would like. That will not happen with Jesus!
Jesus knew the kind of stormy world He was coming to when He was born in Bethlehem, and knows the sinful storm He is coming to now if He goes to Jerusalem.
He knows the devastation that selfishness, greed, immorality, violence, and hate bring to people’s lives …both then and in our time as well.
You can see a wild political storm is coming in the next few months as well. You may be tempted to avoid it or be silent as Peter tempted Jesus.
This is the time to courageously speak Catholic values and not be silent, despite any fear. Courage is a central virtue of Jesus and His Church. You might find some helpful storm preparation in the articles I have written on Catholic teachings.
Jesus will enter any storm for your salvation and nothing will stop Him …not even Peter! Nothing will stop Him from courageously rescuing the people He loves.
This must be your path as well, now more than ever.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
Is society at large being tested and if so, by whom or why?
Are we in the “perfect storm?”
Indeed, strength and courage through prayer will lift us up.
I look forward to reading your articles on Catholic teaching.
Thank you.
God bless….
Kathleen A.
Thanks for looking at my articles. There are more on the way!
Dear Father Dave,
This is such an appropriate thought for us during these trying times. Just perfect. I know there is a fine line between church and politics but this seems to be a much more serious time. I know that President Trump understands the whole threat that is around us today regarding our faith, too, with the dangerous people emerging all around us. In America it has never been as severe and I thought Sister Deirde Byrne’s speech and showing the Rosary was beautiful. What an accomplished woman she is!
God bless and thank you.
Yes, I agree. I am glad I was able to see her wonderful speech too.
Dear Father Dave These are troubling times and we must stand up for our precious Religious values!! Love our precious Jesus entering any storm for our salvation!! We must enter the storm like our Jesus of being pro life, fighting abortion, legal immigration not illegal so that no terrorists will enter and destroy our families, religious freedom given to us from our loving God, law and order for change can be made peacefully through our Congress, and our local govt.!!! and no life or property be destroyed, protection by our police for they give our lives to defend us!!! We are one nation under God and our God must aways be respected and loved, and our Flag be respected for so many have died so that we would have life, liberty and freedom!! We must live in love, reach out to others with compassionand make changes peacefully! We must vote for these values for they are inherent in our souls for a beautiful, faithfilled, loving life!! Vote for me!!! Love you!! ha!! We will stand up to this storm and change it into a sunshine of moral joy!!! Nov. election is crucial !!! Vote PROLIFE!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
All true!
Fr. is right again – we can’t be silent! We must speak out with our vote and it’s obvious that there’s only one Presidential candidate that Real Catholics can vote for.
Yes, we speak our values with our vote!
Your thoughts on courage and trust in the Lord is what we need to hear, Fr. Dave!
In today’s world we need all the help we can get, and with Jesus “always there”
there is no need to fear..
Are the decisions that we make in line with what Jesus wants?
We ask Him to be the guide.
Yes, well said.
Okay, here goes: There is no such thing as a pro-choice Catholic! The two are simply incompatible, and thinking or behaving otherwise is a lie.
Yes, I agree! If one of the choices is always evil it cannot be a valid moral choice. No one today would ever advocate freedom of choice for people choosing between slavery and freedom.
Fr Dave,
Your message is such an important one & one I wish our church leaders would stand up & confront, just as Pastor Rob Mcoy in Newbury Park, Ca is doing.
How long are we going to allow government leaders tell us we cannot go inside our churches or our schools?
Sherrie Foster
Yes, I wonder as well.