Gospel Reflections for August 25 2019
Gold Medals for everyone?
Our parish school year will begin soon.
You might know that we present awards for excellence to our outstanding students throughout the year. Can you imagine how a student might feel after studying hard for months and achieving well-earned academic excellence, or winning in sports, only to find out that awards were given to everyone in the class, no matter what their grades or sports performance?
Fortunately, that does not happen here at St. Bruno!
We certainly value every student and try to help all achieve excellence, but students also know very well who actually deserves awards for good work from those who do not. No student ever feels honored by undeserved gold medals. In fact, they can even feel insulted when given this devalued recognition. Awards for everyone are really a disservice to everyone.
Eternal life is the ultimate “Gold Medal” and in today’s Gospel a crowd asks Jesus about it. He knows that some believe everyone will make it into heaven while others think very few will. He answers neither group, but changes their focus.
Instead of asking about the fate of others, Jesus asks them to focus on what they are doing with their own life, and tells them to “Strive to enter the narrow gate.” He affirms that rewards only come to only those few people who, like excellent students and athletes, use their talents and abilities to the very best of their ability to face significant challenges.
John Wooden, the famous UCLA basketball coach with one of the most winning records ever, never actually focused on winning at all, but only on each player performing at their very best. That is the real reward. Winning in the Kingdom of God is the same …simply living your faith the very best you can, whether successful or not.
Mother Teresa once said that God does not ask you to be successful but only to be faithful.
God’s powerful love for you is freely given. God will do His part but you must also do yours! Your only task is to use the power of His love to try your very best at something worthwhile because He knows that your best efforts will make you feel deeply fulfilled and happy …whether successful or not. John Wooden would understand.
God’s powerful grace is freely available for the asking. Begin the next part of your life right here and now and ask for His grace to “enter the narrow gate” …and go for the Gold!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
I like your weekly “Gospel Reflections” It would be nice to have a PRINT button on this weekly article.
Great idea! Let me see if I can add a “print” feature.
It takes both effort and perseverance to win a prize, and there are many prizes
to be had.
But the greatest prize to win is a seat in God’s kingdom forever.
OK, No Gold Medals for everyone but how about the previous Parables? The workers in the Vineyard those that only worked one hour got a full days wages.
The Prodigal Son?
Sometimes I feel ignorance is bliss-The more I learn about my Catholic Faith the more I get confused.
With God’s help and your articles perhaps I can be less confused.
Relevant Radio also helps.
I think of myself as a bit neurotic RE my faith.
Started reading a book by Dr Jordan Peterson and find it interesting but he compares us humans to Lobsters
with their Pecking order etc. He seems to be Pro Christian but not fully committed.
Have you heard of Dr Jordan Peterson? If so do you think it is OK for Catholics to read his books?
Thank You, Fr Dave, look forward to reading more of your Lit I picked up at San Brunos also am reading your book DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO even recommended it to a young lady that knows you.
Blessings Fr Dave
The workers in the vineyard rightly complained about the unjust wages, because they were talking about money, and those who just arrived should get a different amount than those who were working all day. They were correct to complain. However, the parable is making the point that in the Kingdom of God, the “money” that the Owner (God) pays out is love, and everyone is loved the same amount, whether they have just arrived as a newborn baby, are a few years old, or have been in the “vineyard” for many years.
Yes, I am very familiar with Jordan Petersen. He is not Catholic but is okay to read. His field is psychology so just read with that in mind. You might check out his YouTube video with Bishop Barron.
I really got a lot from ur reflection. One thing I believe is that since I am not a test taker, I believe that if I can put all the effort into doing His will that I have a chance. It isn’t the grade that counts but the effort. Otherwise I might as well give up.
The word you gave did encourage me in continuing to press on to the goal that Our Lord has for me and never give up.
Yes, always forward and never give up.
Yup I may not get in but I definitely won’t get in if II give up trying to “enter the narrow gate”.
Well said! (I think you will get in that narrow gate!)
Great comparison with student awards Fr. Dave!
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Always so much to think about. Thank you.
God bless.
Kathleen A.
You are welcome!