Gospel Reflections for August 12 2018
Receive the Body of Christ
This is the next of several Gospel readings in a row about the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus we receive at communion time.
Jesus is making His case over and over again that this is the main event that He designed in which we authentically receive Him. We will hear Our Lord on this one more time next week, which indicates just how important the Eucharist is.
Remember that the Eucharist was established on the night before Jesus died, while He was gathered with His Disciples at the Last Supper. At such a time you can understand that the words and actions of one about to die are important.
All the Gospel accounts show how difficult it was for people back then to believe and accept what Jesus said. Perhaps it is still difficult for some people today. That is certainly understandable. It takes a lot of faith that Jesus is present in this bread and wine. But after all, our faith is in His word …and not our ability to understand. If you believe that Jesus is who He said He was, then you can, at least, take His word that He is present in a very special and objective way in these simple elements of bread and wine.
Our nation was founded on the ability of citizens to determine their own future by voting for officials, meeting in town halls to set policy, and expressing their opinions in the press. Of course, that can get quite volatile. Today there is a huge and somewhat raucous national debate on a future Supreme Court Justice, immigration, and other important national issues.
The issues are complex and they demand that all of us participate in a robust but always respectful debate. The consequences are important and even a matter of life and death. I hope our Congress and all citizens behave well.
Our faith is of a different order. Our faith is something we receive from Our Lord, not determine for ourselves based on our own whims or preferences or votes. While I like voting, speaking my opinion, and discussing current politics, I will always gladly submit in humility to the policies of Our Lord.
I trust that the Eucharist is exactly what Our Lord intended and what we need for the good health of our soul. The consequences are also literally lifesaving …our eternal life.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
“Through the eyes of faith,’ as a wonderful pastor has said. Best, Argyle
Thank you!
Love your precious commentary Father Dave!! What a beautiful gift the Holy Eucharist is!! jesus lives in us when we receive Him inHoly Communion!!!!! How beautiful is that!! Then we must live His love in the world and make it beautiful for Jesus in love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, , Faith, truth, goodness and joy!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our Jesus, Love His Eucharist and loveeee you and all the priests who give our precious Jesus to us!!!! Have a beautiful day in our loving Jesus and our beautiful Blessed Mother’s Divine LOVE!!We are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo blessed by our Jesus of LOVE!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
You are welcome!
May we all grow stronger through the Eucharist…and our faith with it!
Yes, a great plan for life!
As always, your message about this gospel was powerful. I never doubt Jesus and the Eucharist. Thank you, Father Dave.
You are welcome!
At last! you have used the ultimate symbol of the delineation of your homilies: a
stunning gift package always containing 3 elements and further enhanced with a
beautiful ribbon. The well dressed treasure box always contains 3 elements:
the Gospel message in Jesus’ time; the message in our time, and so importantly, the
application in our lives today.
The opening of the ribbons will not fail to disappoint the readers of the 3 gifs within!
What ever the symbol, the message will be the same! The treasure lies within!
Missing you at SPB
Bob and Rose Mary
Thank you so much for your message! You have read the articles carefully, and very well!
At last you have used a perfect delineation of your weekly messages as observed when you first arrived at
St. Paschal’s on becoming our Pastor:
A beautiful gift containing 3 elements: (1) A Gospel reading as pertaining to Jesus time (2) pertaining to our time and (3) its application in our time
The well dressed package invites us to untie the stunning ribbon and read the profound messages contained inside.
Readers will not be disappointed. Missing you at St. Paschal’s
Bob and Rose Mary
I love your comments always, Father Dave, they are always so clear not real wordy just simple for us to read and understand and think about. It is a true gift to able put the words together as you do.
Thank you,
Stephanie Toland
You are very welcome!
Dear Father Dave,
For me, from the time I was a child, the Eucharist has always been the most important part of the Mass. It’s humbling, yet so much more. Receiving Christ is close to a surreal experience. It’s a revelation, a deep connection, and a holy moment.
Again, thank you for your enlightening reflection on today’s Gospel.
God bless you.
father Dave,
The Eucharistic mass is always considered the hiighest mass. When we receive Jesus in the communion, we are at peace, our mind is open for entrusting ourself to Jesus. . We shld be in focus to Jesus while at the mass. That is why i do not want to be late, in good attire. And otentimes closing my eyes and meditate. I know we are called to be holy but it doesnt mean that we have to attend all seminars- recollection bible study respectively but if we do so.. that is very good..it moght br our vocation to do so. But being true as a good mother serving your children..a good example in words and indeed makes you holy. We have our talents that makes us useful by sharing this tp our neighbors or to anybody else.. a mission of Jesus we have to follow to have eternal life.
Beautifully written!
You are welcome!
The gift from the father the Eucharist.
Our gift back in complete trust
God Bless
Well said!