Gospel for August 11 2024 – Jonn 6:41-51
Gospel Reflections for August 11 2024
Receive the Body of Christ…
This is the next of several Gospel readings in a row about the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus that we receive at communion time.
Jesus is making His case over and over again that this is the main event that He designed in which we authentically receive Him.
Remember that the Eucharist was established on the night before Jesus died, while He was gathered with His Disciples at the Last Supper. His disciples would soon live in a time of conflict and war. He knew they would need this sacrament to live with confidence and courage in a war-torn world, much like our world is today as well.
All the Gospel accounts show how people then found it difficult to accept what Jesus said. That is certainly understandable. It takes a lot of faith that Jesus is truly present in bread and wine. But after all, our faith is in His word …and not our ability to understand.
If you believe that Jesus is who He said He was, then you can, at least, take His word that He is present in a very special and objective way in these simple elements of bread and wine.
Our nation was founded on the power of citizens to determine their own future by voting, meeting in town halls, and expressing their opinions. Of course, that can get quite volatile. Today there is a huge and somewhat raucous debate on important national and international issues.
The issues are complex, and they call us to participate in robust but always respectful debates. The consequences are important and sometimes even a matter of life and death, like the Middle East conflict. I hope our Congress, candidates, and all citizens behave well. We have the power to make the kind of country we want.
Our faith is of a different order. Our faith is something we receive from Our Lord, not determine for ourselves based on our own whims, preferences, or votes. While I like voting, speaking my opinion, and discussing current events, I will always gladly submit in humility to the policies of Our Lord.
I trust that the Eucharist is exactly what Our Lord intended and what we need for the good health of our soul, especially in times like these.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
Indeed, we are living in troubled times. So many people are suffering the consequences of war and hostilities. I think of our beautiful America as being on the edge of a cliff about to fall into a massive void.
But still … hope survives and joy surfaces in the birth of new lives, in the great love of newlyweds, the time and tested love of the elderly, deep friendships, our blessed mother’s rosary, and the everlasting light and peace of our Holy Eucharist, .
May God continue to bless you as you spread His word.
Thank you for your comments!
Amen Father Dave. I pray for civility in our political discourse and within our own families and church family.
Keep those prayers coming!
Jesus must have seen that that we would be needing help
as we go through life when He gave us the gift of Himself in the
Bread and Wine.
It is wonderful to see how the church is working on the revival of the Eucharist
and the importance it has on our daily living.
Yes, the Eucharist Revival is so important!
Beautifully said Fr. Dave! A great reminder for all of us to always “submit to the policies of Our Lord.” We can’t do any better than that!
Yes, indeed!
Beautiful insights Father Dave!! I truly hold in my heart the precious belief if we pray to our loving Jesus He will help us through beautiful people like you!!!Our political life is broken and we need to be beautifully prolife and have Christian, moral, leaders leading us with our loving God’s values in the Ten Commandments and in Jesus’ way of Love!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Holy Eucharist!!! Love receiving our precious Jesus’ Body and Blood and I believe in my heart we also receive His Love!!! In loving we can change the world one person at a time by promoting life and good moral values through prayer and action!!! Prayer and action will change our world for our Jesus” way of life!!! Beautiful precious prayer and beautiful prolife, moral action,Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!! We can change our America and the world for our loving God loves everywone but He may not like their actions!!! He loveeeees what we stand for!!! Our Christian faith in prayer and action!!!! Loveeeeeeeeee it and love you!!!
Thank you!