Gospel Reflections for August 11 2019
Surprise return!
How would you feel if you suddenly knew that Our Lord was coming for you right now? Nervous? Anxious? Surprised?
Is there anything you would do different if you knew?
The Gospel presents this surprise event in the story of a Master and his Servant, with a clear reminder that our life may come to a sudden end. This is a timely Gospel!
I am sure all the innocent victims in Gilroy, El Paso, or Dayton, did not expect it to be their last day. While they went to a festival, shopping mall, or nightclub for ordinary summertime events, all that ended fast. All that mattered now was survival and returning to their loved ones.
We are grateful for those who made it out alive, and our prayers continue for the repose of the souls of those who did not, along with prayers for their family and friends.
From the time of Satan’s first temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we know we still live in a world where there are deeply sinful and selfish people who put their needs over others. Their selfishness must never change the path of Christ that you have chosen, which must always be a path focused on love.
Each day you have events that you consider important such as family routines, household chores, job expectations, and maintaining friendships. If you are especially organized you might make priority lists each day for the tasks you want done and in the right order. All these ideas are good.
The events of this last week and today’s Gospel invite you add several key ideas every day. You always want to keep your relationship with God current and on a daily basis. Talk with Him every day and especially throughout the day. You should always take care of your relationships with your loved ones too. Never let a day go by where you do not express your love to them.
Finally, you should never let some sinful and selfish people, like the shooters in Gilroy, El Paso, or Dayton change your commitment to love always. Those shooters chose their sinful and selfish path, you must daily choose your path of love as well.
If your path is one of love every day, then you will greet the sudden appearance of Our Lord at the end of time with great joy. No surprises there!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Amen, Father.
Question – I recently saw that an ancient temple believed to be where Melchizadek would have worshipped was discovered in Jerusalem. Is there any truth to this? and, if so, would it be added to your pilgrimage? Thank you.
I am not aware of that discovery, but will look into it.
Served Seminarians at Cathedral to Pie n Burger after Mass in St. Vibianas Chapel. Great reinforcement for my Faith. Serra Club reminds me every time we do this what life and living are really about.
The Treasure we have is beyond our imaginations. Thanks for these reminders and all you do
Listening and continuing to learn what we are called to is truly Wonder Filled.
Thanks Critter Tom
You have always been, for so many years, a model of great Christian service. I am always inspired by your service.
Dear Father Dave,
Yes, some of us are swept away from this life suddenly … unprepared. It happened to our grandson on Dec. 3rd, 2017. He was in his early twenties.
We’re still in a kind of shock.
Many years ago when I was out walking with a friend, I collapsed. In my mind’s eye, I saw millions of small gray particles. My vision began to narrow until I could only see through a small circle. My body felt frozen, and I couldn’t move. Another friend, driving by, stopped and rushed toward me. She was Catholic, and she knelt down next to me and said the Act of Contrition while I mumbled the prayer with her. I felt like I was slipping away and was helpless to do anything about it. I wasn’t afraid.
I was lifted into an ambulance and taken to the hospital.
There was never a diagnosis. Clearly, I didn’t die. Clearly, I’m still here, and I probably won’t know why until “later,” although I have some suspicions.
As always, thank you for your insightful reflections.
God bless you.
Kathleen A.
Remarkable story! Thank you for sharing it. How amazing that your friend came to your side and thought of leading you in the Act of Contrition. What a great friend you have! Yes, one day you will understand everything, but in the meantime you have a remarkable life and death experience that very few every have.
Love our precious faith, Love our God of love,Love our loving Jesus, Love our beautiful Blessed Mother,, love our life centered on Love, Love making the world beautiful by living Jesus’ love, Love embracing our Jesus of love someday and our Mary toooooooooooooooooooooooo and our life giving precious God of love!!! Life is such a precious, amazingly beautiful gift of love!! Let’s everyone overwhelm the world with our Jesus’ love!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it and love you Father Dave for inspiring us to live our Jeses LOVE!!!
Guesssssssssssssssssssssssssss who!!! LOVE!!!!!!
Thank you!
Thank you Father Dave for your wise words. Yes, the recent killings are horrific. They are a reminder that evil exists. We must counter act this evil with prayers and the Eucharist. It’s also a reminder to keep our focus on our relationship with our Lord.
Thank you for continuing to inspire us with you words. Love and blessings.
Thank you, Lucy, for your very kind words. Very much appreciated.
With so much more hate lately in the news we must not get discouraged.. but keep our faith & love strong still as you said Fr Dave!
With prayer at mass this week we prayed
For those who have lost their way!
God bless us all! Keep strong…in faith 🙏🏼
Yes, always stay strong in our faith!
I guess being ready to meet the Master is important. It takes real concentration to anticipate the meeting of the Lord so that we are in the right place when it happens. I think it is a good thing that young men are taught by the scout motto “Be Prepared”.
The Scout Motto of “Be Prepared” is a perfect motto for everyone today!