Gospel Reflections for April 9 2017
Follow Me
When Jesus first began His saving mission for you, and the entire world, He walked along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. As He came upon various fishermen, like Peter, Andrew, and John, He simply said two words to them …Follow Me!
Much would happen afterwards; miracles, sermons, parables, teachings, and amazing crowds. Yet the simplicity of that first invitation is what His disciples took as a summary of all of it. What we do as Christians is …follow Him!
This week begins “Holy Week” in the liturgical year of the Church. It will end with the events of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Yet, what happens at the end reminds me of the beginning, and those two simple words …Follow me!
The Masses of Holy Week invite us to “follow” Jesus in meaningful ways in the different masses and events of this week. Here are the events at St. Bruno.
Sunday is Palm Sunday, and remembers when Jesus entered Jerusalem. We recall that event by holding up palms as the crowd did on that memorable day.
Let us follow Jesus on Holy Thursday, at 7:30pm in the Church, when He led that Last Supper, or First Mass, that would be His enduring presence among us in the Eucharist.
Let us follow Him on Good Friday at the Stations of the Cross at noon, and the remembrance of His passion and death at our 3pm service in the Church. There will be Stations and communion again at 7:30pm as well.
Finally, let us celebrate the happy end of the story, and follow Our Lord in His resurrection at the Holy Saturday Mass at 7:30, or on any of the many masses scheduled for Sunday. The Holy Saturday Mass will also welcome into our faith those who have been preparing for the sacraments all year long.
“Follow Me” were the very first words that Jesus spoke as He began His public ministry near the Sea of Galilee. He says them again as He walks by you, and they remain the perfect summary of our entire Catholic faith. What better time than now to personally “walk with Him” in the powerful ceremonies of this week and personally experience the key events of His message of salvation for you
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Father Dave, Love your beautiful commentary!! Loveeee “Follow me ” Two precious words that reveal the precious meaning in life !! To live in love!! We will follow Jesus forever!!! and this beautiful Holy Week we will follow our Jesus in His Divine love!!! Loveeeeeeeee our precious Faith and Dick and I loveeeee you for giving us the loving gift of our Jesus!!
A most precious Holy week to YOU!!!
Loveeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Happy Holy Week!
Yes, let us follow Him as he carries His Cross, and let us follow him in His Resurrection! Sometimes we stumble and fall with our crosses, but, thanks to His loving mercy, we pick up again and move forward.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Father Dave,
In listening to and reading many commentaries this Holy Season, I learned that the crowds in Jerusalem were gathered for the celebration of the HIgh Priest on the back of a donkey (God had prohibited the Jews from riding horses as that was the symbol of the invading forces on horseback that continually oppressed the Jew. This High Priest – on the donkey – carried the spotless lamb to be sacrificed in the Temple as the Passover ended. The Last Supper what the Jews call the final meal of the Holy Day so that Jesus entering Jerusalem as if a High Priest on the back of a donkey is that Lamb of Sacrifice. That message of “Follow Me” gave the resounding message of who Jesus is and created quite the challenge to the Jewish authorities….that Follow Me is a willingness to sacrifice ourselves for Him. Thank you for reminding us of our calling.
You are very welcome. Thank you also for adding some more of the historical context.
Thank you, Fr Dave, for bringing to light the importance of the Holy Week
services and to following Jesus on the road to calvary.! We are reminded again of
His unconditional love for us and our commitment to Him in return.
To follow Jesus is the ultimate investment with an awesome return!
Always the best investment!
Like the others have said… Both commentaries this week and last week I have copied and saved for further reference. They bring moe light to the entire Lenten season. Actually, if you think about it the whole year brings our faith. I was asked today what I was giving up for Lent, as it was a Protestant who was really challenging me. So I cheated and took what you said in these commentaries and carried it out to the fact that lent (because of what we are celebrating in Jesus Death and Resurrection for us) it is a time for us to see what in our lives need to change. I went on with more but when I finished he just stared at me and said “OH”. During the meeting, you could see that he was thinking about what was said and he took us Catholics out of the box he had us in. Your commentaries helped a lot in bringing it out.
Thanks much and I hope this week is very rewarding in many ways to you…
That was an important conversation you had with that Protestant person. I think you got him thinking!