Gospel Reflections for April 29 2018
Stay connected…
In his earlier life, St. Paul had persecuted Christians. You would be very afraid if he showed up at your house! Then he suddenly “converts.” Would you believe him? Few did, as the first reading shows. However, there was a wise and devout older man named Barnabas who listens to Paul …and assures everyone that Paul is truly connected to Jesus …and that is the connection that counts!
Last week the Gospel was about sheep …always connected to a good shepherd who knows where the best food and water is found. Following that shepherd is a wise move! This week, the image is vines and branches.
We have some very tall trees at St. Bruno, and others with long branches that provide welcome shade under a hot sun. But no matter how tall a tree or long a branch is, every single leaf receives nourishment from the sun above and the branch to which it is connected. Life depends on those unbroken connections. The Apostles, and even Paul, accomplished miracles in the first reading because they stayed connected to Our Lord. No matter how far they travelled, they continually sought that presence of God. They knew where to look for spiritual nourishment and energy.
During April and May, about a hundred and fifty young people are making their First Communion, and soon more than a hundred will receive Confirmation. Each Sacrament offers a special grace to connect with Jesus in a personal way so that you can model your life after His.
At your own communion at Mass you also connect again with Our Lord, just as He asked you to do, by literally taking Him into yourself. He wants to be that close to you, to guide your behavior in a way that will make you happy and nourish your spirit in a way that will keep you fulfilled. Take that special time after communion to talk with Our Lord …now that He is literally within you.
Connections for vines, branches, and Christians must be constant and continual. Never let a week go by without coming to Mass and connecting in the way Our Lord designed just for you.
Staying connected to Our Lord is the goal for those who will be Confirmed and for our new First Communicants …and our goal every day.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
Another well-defined and helpful message, as always. Thank you so much.
Hope you’re enjoying our beautiful spring days.
God bless you.
Yes, these Spring days are why I live in Southern California!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee being connected to our precious Jesus!! Beautiful Faith, Beautiful life, Beautiful Jesus!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee him and loveeeee you for bringing our Jesus so beautifully to us in your words, in the Holy Eucharist and in your Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Loveeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
As you stated it was a good reminded that as Barnabas did, instead of listening to fear he he listened to the Spirit of God. You gave a good reminder. It is important to remember that we are connected to as the branch and as the plant receives its nutrients, we receive ours from God. Not only from reading His word but most important from receiving Christ, the best food, in the Eucharist.
Well said!
Hello Father Dave
I’m listening and reading weekly scriptures. Thank you this is helping me to see how precious life is with prayers and weekly mass..
It a difficult journey waiting to exhaust with joy..
The family that prays together stays together..
Well said! Keep up the weekly spiritual reading!