Gospel Reflections for April 28 2019
Mercy Sunday
Last week was the horrible bomb attack on the Island of Sri Lanka off the coast of India that killed 300 people while attending Easter services. People everywhere felt a deep compassion for victims and their families.
Some also wanted revenge. We certainly want swift justice for terrorists, but our motive must be love. We want to stop evil behavior out of love for victims and also for terrorists to change their ways. Jesus showed us the way.
Right after His resurrection Jesus reveals, of all things …mercy! Why is that?
The Gospel begins in a locked room, where the disciples hid right after Jesus was arrested, horribly tortured, and crucified. They are frightened of everyone, and perhaps Jesus as well. After all, they abandoned Him in His moment of greatest need.
Now they hear He has risen! What will He do now? They could only expect His swift revenge. Doesn’t anyone who has been hurt?
When Jesus finally arrives His first words are, “Peace be with you!” No one expected that! Jesus is not interested in our punishment, but only in our changed life for the better. He wants us to leave behind sins that only cause us and others pain and finally live His life of joy. That is what mercy is, a promise of no revenge …in exchange for our promise of a changed life.
Only Jesus can arrive inside the locked room of our hearts, that deep place where we keep the memories of our greatest sins. We need to believe in His mercy and His grace that helps us change.
Sister Faustina was a Polish nun who received a vision of this merciful Jesus in the 1930’s. It is the famous “Divine Mercy” image that Pope John Paul encouraged all churches to display on this Sunday. He had lived through the horrors of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, two evil examples of the betrayal of God’s love. He knew the world needed this message of mercy.
Right after His greeting of “peace” Jesus authorizes His disciples to forgive sins. Now that they have experienced mercy, He wants them to offer mercy to all who come to confession with that same promise of amendment …a promise of a changed life.
That is just what the world needs to hear, and just the right Gospel after Easter.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Thanks be to God. Mercy is that lovely side of Jesus that offers as a changed life and help in letting go of our hurt or anger. He only sees that we have good an that we might try to offer the same mercy that we ask for. We can also help in our little way to make a difference in the world and with compassion and love. God is good all the time!!!
God Bless!
Jesus I trust in you!
Well said!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Jesus soooooooo much!!! He forgives us beautifully!! We must have a changed life by living His love and mercy!!! and spread his precious loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to everyone!!! We can also make a differnce with precious prayers of healing love to all who hurt people that they change their ways and live in love!!!Thank you for all you do to spread our loving Jesus’ love to all!!!Beautiful Faith, beautiful Life , beautiful jersus, beautiful You and all our loving priests who overwhelm the world with our Jesus’ love!!! A precious Divine Mercy Sunday to all of you filled with love and joy!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
You are very welcome!
Always wondered why Jesus wasn’t easily recognized by his “men” when he appeared to them after the Resurrection! I did the first Reading tonight and marvel at ALL the healings that occurred by having Peter’s shadow pass over the sick. IF ONLY that would be the case today! Fr. Leon had another “Healing” Mass tonight and I hope healings will happen like they did for our early Church! Please pray for “Guy”, young father of teens who is dying after several years of fighting cancer! I know…healings aren’t just physical…BUT…if only THIS time!!
Laus Deo, Patty
I will remember Guy and for his cancer healing.
This scripture reminds me cinstantly how much mercy we need to extend to kthers. Jesus never condemned them for acting in fear but as u and the Word said, He offered them peace. I think for the most part we need to offer peace to ourselves. When our adversary keeps reminding us of the past, instead of rejecting it we answer, “Yea ur right”. The hardest thing is to accept Gods mercy. That is why this special day is so important. “JESUS I TRUST IN YOU”
Yes, the Feast of Divine Mercy is perfect for our time.
Father Dave, Good morning and Happy Divine Mercy Sunday..what a wonderful feast to follow His glorious Resurrection. I am sort of confusions about events around Our Lord’s Resurrection….Jesus 11 were told by Mary Magadaline that the tomb was empty………on Easter Morn John & Peter ran to the tomb….Peter entered found the garments he was buried with folded on the stone he had been placed. An angel told them he had risen and went before them to Jerusalem………..this angelic messenger delivered the good news………my question is that Jesus disciples were aware of this good news on Easter Sunday morning……Why the doubt about His Resurrection? Were they all present when the Son of God brought Lazarus back to life?
John McCarthy
It is one thing to predict one’s resurrection and another to have it actually take place! They also knew the difference between what happened to Lazarus and Jesus. Lazarus was not resurrected. He was resuscitated, which is a different thing. He was restored to ordinary human life, and so would die again. Jesus was resurrected into a glorified body that would never die again and could both pass through walls and also eat real food. Resurrection is a completely different thing. As I wrote last week, the disciples were also worried about Our Lord possibly seeking revenge, which was the common experience in those days.
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you for your dedication each week to our gospel reflections. These insights are always thought provoking. The words, “in the deepest recesses of our hearts” linger in mine, as does Jesus’ pure message of peace, love, and forgiveness.
Kathleen A.
God bless you!
You are very welcome!
Beautiful reflection Fr Dave, I love it. Thank you.
Everyday I am growing deeper in love with Jesus and to serve Him here in our Parish at St John Eudes, at Chatsworth, CA .
In Jesus and Mary,
Roy Vargas
I am so very glad that you liked my reflection. Happy Easter Season!