Gospel for April 16 2023 – John 20:19-31
Gospel Reflections for April 16 2023
Mercy Sunday
This Sunday recalls Jesus meeting His Disciples …right after his crucifixion.
They had abandoned Jesus at His arrest, torture, and death on a cross. What would be His response now? How do you respond to people who hurt you?
Some always seek revenge. They want swift justice for any offense. But Jesus offers a different response, which is always love, but in a challenging way. He certainly wants to stop evil behavior out of love for victims but also for love of bad people to change their ways.
Right after His resurrection Jesus reveals, of all things …mercy! Why is that?
The Gospel begins in a locked room, where the disciples hid right after Jesus was arrested, tortured, and crucified. They are frightened of everyone, and perhaps Jesus as well. After all, they abandoned Him in His moment of greatest need.
Now they hear He has risen! What will He do now? They could only expect swift revenge. Doesn’t anyone who has ever been hurt?
When Jesus finally arrives His first words are, “Peace be with you!” No one expected that! Jesus is not interested in your punishment, but only in your changed life for the better. He wants you to leave behind sins that only cause yourself and others pain …and finally live His life of joy. That is what mercy is …a promise of no revenge …in exchange for our promise of a changed life!
Only Jesus can arrive inside the locked room of our hearts, that deep place where we keep the memories of our greatest sins. We need to believe in His mercy and His grace that helps us change for the better.
Sister Faustina was a Polish nun in the 1930’s who received a vision of this merciful Jesus. It is the famous “Divine Mercy” image that Pope John Paul encouraged all churches to display this Sunday. He had lived through the horrors of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, two evil examples of the betrayal of God’s love. He knew the world needed this message of mercy. We see this need now in the continued Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Right after His greeting of “peace” Jesus authorizes His disciples to forgive sins. Now that they have experienced mercy, He wants them to offer mercy to all who come to confession with that same promise of amendment …a promise of a changed life.
That is just what the world needs to hear!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr. Dave,
Thanks for reminding us that Jesus is our final and fully capable hope !
We have physical evidence even today of just how much he loves us …….The Shroud of Turin!
The Shroud is getting more and more interest in the world today. It should!
Precious Jesus who suffered, died for us and asks us to love and forgive others and make the world beautiful in His love!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our Jesus, loveeeeeeeeeeee our precious faith and loveeeeeeee you for giving us a beautiful interpretation of our loving Jesus’ life and words!!! Love and forgiveness and we are to share these words and actions with others!!!
Thank you!
I am reading the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska and find it an awesome document
To reflect upon her vocation dedicated to Divine Mercy and the struggles She meets along Her path to being a Saint.
Reading of Her visions and Faith in War time Poland captured my soul in admiration of all that we believe in our Beautiful Catholic Faith.
This brings to mind a better understanding of Divine Mercy Sunday that we celebrate This week. The Picture and Meaning of this Celebration are wonderful to behold.
I think it is a miracle that Sister Faustina kept her faith in a part of the world and at a time when the largest forces of evil seemed to be winning, Nazi Germany and Soviet Communism. Her vision is exactly what the world needed to see. If only the world had seen it in time.
Dear Father Dave,
Divine Mercy Sunday is, indeed, Divine.
God bless you now and always,
Thank you!