Gospel Reflections for April 15 2018
You are witnesses of these things…
I celebrated a wedding recently of a young bride and groom who promised they would always seek the happiness of each other. All who witnessed it were impressed!
This couple had grown slowly from a friendship to people in deeply love. No big deal there. Any two good people who meet will probably fall in love. We would never celebrate a marriage just for that.
However, if they pledge they will always love each other, then we love to witness and celebrate that! Love that grows into commitment is greater than just love.
Every wedding guest prayed that this young couple would also follow through on their promise with loving behavior. We hope they will be kind to each other, be quick to forgive faults, and reconcile after arguments, and always seek the happiness of their spouse.
That connection of words and behavior is the theme of today’s Gospel.
Jesus often promised that He would rise from the dead. Beautiful words, yes …but not as moving as actually seeing Him after His resurrection. His appearance affirms our faith is meant to be visible. There is no such thing as an invisible Christian!
The goal of our University Series during Lent was to learn how to publicly live our faith well. We had 50 sessions spread across three parishes, and all designed to connect our faith with real life. After all, we need practical ideas that we can use right away to help us find peace and happiness right now. Our University team worked hard to organize and make the classes helpful, and so The University Series was a great success again. The attendance for all three parishes was over 3,000 people, representing almost 1,000 individuals attending multiple classes.
While the University Series is over, you can still grow in knowledge of the Lord. You can sign up at Formed.org with our parish code of PJC7XJ, or attend our new ALPHA sessions. I also have many articles here on my website for your review. All these resources help you grow in your love for the Lord …and appreciate His love for you.
Jesus ends this Gospel with, “You are witnesses to these things.” He wants your life to be a public witness that you will promise to love as He loved …and live it.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Good morning Father Dave,
Thank you for your encouraging words…as I am trying to be a work -in -progress witness to help my grandchildren grow in faith by starting to memorize their prayers, and work through First Holy Communion.
I will never forget my Sea of Galilee boat ride knowing how Jesus calmed that sea….. so peaceful forevermore and sitting on that peaceful Mount hearing His Word.
Thank you for having started the University series . I look forward to many classes every year to help me prepare for Lent and our attendances increases yearly. Iam forwarding your reflection to my two children.
Thanks and blessings to you ,
Thanks for forwarding these reflections. I hope they help!
Dear Father Dave,
Indeed, God’s gifts of love and commitment are powerful elements in and for our lives and are quite visible when they’re working together. Your reflective writings and the enormous success of the University Series demonstrate this. I believe God is reaching out to everyone of us living today through you and through an army of others around the world by reinforcing the teachings of Christ and the wisdom found in the Bible.
I’m so grateful to be Catholic … to have the Mass and Eucharist … to have the rosary and our Blessed Mother. Just a little side note: Many years ago, I was praying the rosary in Church with a friend. She looked at my rosary and said she thought the silver links were turning “gold.” By the next day, the transformation was complete. I’ve heard that many people who visit Medjugorje have had this happen to their rosaries. I’ve never been there.
God bless you.
Looks like Medjugorje came to you! What a wonderful event.
Yes. I don’t understand it but it happened.
There are many ways to “sustain the momentum”, but we’re confident you have found one in extending the University messages in your new internet link.
To echo John Allen’s always repeated cheer following his annual talk: “University!!!!”
Thanks and blessings as always! Bob and Rose Mary
I am so grateful that John Allen is a most enthusiastic supporter of the University!
A reflection that we need to hear from time to time on how to live a happily married life.
Thank you Fr. Dave!
A deflating ego with a sprinkle of unselfish love might be a winning combination
for a happy marriage.
Glad to hear that the University Series was such a great success. We enjoyed the
May the Lord bless you as you continue to bring us the Good News of Salvation.
Thank you!
When the Lord opened their minds to understand the scriptures, it is interesting to note that it was the old testament scriptures they needed to understand as the new testament wasn’t yet done. That is why we need to constantly study the old testament as well.
Even though I had been through similar programs in the other churches I have attended, I really enjoyed this program especially the minister and how open he was. It also gave a great opportunity to listen to those at our table in an open discussion. Getting to know the heart of others during that time was great.
I am glad you enjoyed it this year. More to come next year!
Yes, it is always beautiful to celebrate how much the Lord loves us with our actions.
I am also very grateful that Pope Francis gave us “Rejoice and Be Glad”.
Jesus wants us to be holy.!! Now that’s a reason to celebrate.
God Bless
Rejoice and Be Glad!
Father Dave, We love your University series and have been so honored to be speakers fn it sharing our love for our precious Jesus and his beautiful Blessed Mother!! it has been such a joy for Dick and myself!! We have sooooooo enjoyed other lovely presenters and have grown in our love for our loving God, our precious Jesus, our beautiful Blessed Mother and our incredible Faith of love and joy!! Loveeeee our University Series which increased our love for our Faith and love you for giving it to us!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Looking forward to your speaking again next year!