Gospel Reflections for April 14 2019
Follow me!
On this Palm Sunday we receive palms just as the people in the Gospel waved palms and sang songs to celebrate the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem.
However, we also hear the long Gospel story that recounts other events of that Holy Week. They recount the last days of Jesus before His passion, death, and resurrection. The crowd that once welcomed Him …turned on Him …and even sought His crucifixion.
This account of His last days always reminds me of the very first days of His ministry, when He walked along the shore of the Sea of Galilee and called His first disciples together.
He began His invitation with two simple words, and they remain today the entire summary of what it means to be Catholic. These two words encompass everything you need to know about our faith and how to live it well.
Jesus looked each person directly in the eye and simply said, “Follow me.” What else do we have to know? That is the whole summary of our faith. In every moment of our life, at work or home, or wherever we are, we seek only to follow the example of Our Lord.
As the crowd physically followed Jesus into Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday, let us follow Him all this week as well, by actually walking with Our Lord in the Holy Week services.
Let us follow Him on Holy Thursday, and celebrate the Last Supper He shared with His disciples. He knew they would need His presence with them after He was gone so He left His Eucharistic presence to encourage us with His love each week.
Let us follow Him on Good Friday in His Way of the Cross and His crucifixion on Calvary. We can see just how much suffering He would endure out of love for us. We can ponder His amazing words from the Cross as He asks God to “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Let us follow Him on Holy Saturday, or Easter Sunday, when we celebrate His resurrection …and the victory of the way of Christ over death when He rose from the dead.
No other person in history has ever risen from the dead so the life of Our Lord is worth taking seriously.
His way works for true and lasting happiness for those who follow Him!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Beautiful reflection and reminder – thanks again for all you do! Bouna Pasqua
Happy Easter!
Dear Father Dave,
Yes, I agree with Joe. You’ve given us a great deal to think about. Those two words, “Follow me,” are powerful. They serve as a call from Jesus to live with love and forgiveness, as well as gentleness and strength.
God bless.
It is amazing how simple Our Lord’s message is.
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it “Follow me!!! I am and Dick is tooooooooooooooooo!!!! Dick and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Jesus and we are following him forever!! A precious, beautiful Easter to you Father Dave!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the way you follow Jesus and bring his LOVE to others!!! Beautiful Faith, Beautiful Life!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!
Happy Easter!
Wow FOLLOW ME.. That is a big commitment and an important one.
I had a minor surgery last month and while asleep they lifted my arms up and after put them down. I have had arthritis in my arms and after my arms swelled and have to exercise tio hopfully get back to normal. When listening to the Gospel message I had been thinking that my pain doesn`t compar to what Jesus went through. So I can get off the self pity mode and every time I have to excercise my arms I will praise Jesus for what he did for me.
Well and wisely said!
I have a precious Circle of Love Prayer group!! We will pray for your complete healing to our our Jesus for his healing touch on beautiful you!!! Your words are so beautiful for our Jesus gave us His life in love for us!! He wants us to love one another and live His love!!!I’m following His lead by praying for others and for you!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca
As always, thanks for your good reflective words to lead and guide us. We are doing the annual 5 mile walk from Sacred Heart Church to Planned Parenthood on Good Friday. The Students from T.A.C. take turns carrying a full size wooden cross during the walk while we all pray the rosary. This walk definitely helps us to unite with the suffering of Jesus . Blessings for a Holy Week. Laus Deo, Patty
A powerful witness to our faith in this walk. God bless all of you!