Gospel Reflections for April 10 2016
Jesus the Carpenter knows fishing!
The scene in today’s Gospel has an almost humorous sense. Jesus comes across His fisherman disciples as they are busy about fishing again. The meeting produces wonderful results. They just do not know it is Him!
In this scene, they were not yet aware that Jesus had resurrected. All they know is that Jesus died on the cross, and that the entire mission of Jesus died with Him. All of their hopes and dreams died as well. Therefore they simply did what made the most sense. They went back to their old job of fishing.
After a long night of fishing and catching nothing they return to the shore, perhaps with an even deeper sense of despair that even fishing is not working out!
Just then a stranger on the shore calls out to them to cast their nets in a different direction. Fortunately they do so, because the catch of fish is so great they can barely haul it in. A very successful catch!
At this point they recognize the stranger on the shore is Jesus. Not only is their fishing business back in action, but the mission of Jesus is as well.
I find this Gospel especially compelling. I am coming to the close of a long sabbatical from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, during which time I was deeply honored to be a Research Fellow at Notre Dame University, and also continued development of the University Series, a large multi-parish adult education program that attracts over 11,000 people each year in the Ventura County area of Sothern California. Like the disciples I have been redirected to fish in another direction.
I have just been assigned as Pastor of St. Bruno’s Catholic Church in Whittier, a large suburb southeast of Los Angeles. I did not expect it, much as the disciples did not expect to look to the right side of their boat. But when directed by Our Lord they found success. You might know that I am actually “returning” to St. Bruno’s, since I was once earlier stationed there for two summer months in 1977 prior to my ordination in May of 1978. It was the parish where, as a Deacon, I celebrated baptisms and weddings for the very first time, and so it has a special and treasured memory for me of my journey as a priest all these years since.
I will trust that Jesus the Carpenter knows fishing, and just where to place his fisherman to achieve the right catch of fish. The mission of Jesus is alive and well.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Image: Public domain work of art.
Sad to see you leaving this area. Will you be continuing your news letter?
Yes, of course! My weekly Gospel reflections will continue.
You will be missed here. I’m sure you will continue the university series and we will have the chance to listen to your whit and wonderful way of sharing God’s word.
May you enjoy the journey and the catch.
Yes, I plan on continuing everything.
Will we see you ocasionally at St. Pascual or St Rose?
We were hoping for St. Max.
It looks like I will be at St. Bruno’s almost all of the time. I will, of course, be back in the University Series here next year.
Fr. Dave,
Apparently God’s plan didn’t match that of so many of us
in Ventura County. The news will take a while to “sink in”.
Blessings always.
Bob and Rose Mary
I will be back for a few University Classes next year for sure.
Good luck in your new assignment, sorry you’ll be leaving our “neighborhood”. Pat O’Rourke
Thank you!
Congratulations on your new assignment, Fr. Dave! I hope the fishing’s good in Whittier!
Your thoughts and words are such an inspiration for those of us who wonder how to cope with an unknown future. But when we see that it is really Jesus on the shore welcoming us forward, we have renewed courage and joy. We are ready to drop the net again even though it means more work and trouble.
God bless you in your new assignment. We look with loving envy at the people of St. Bruno’s.
A new voyage! Looks lovely. May God’s joy and fulfillment be with you in your service.
With sadness, I offer my congratulations.
How interesting and curious that our Archbishop could not allow you to finish up at St. Paschal’s nor let you return, as we are certainly in need of priests, since it has been somewhat of a revolving door, since your untimely departure (nothing personal against some of the good priests we have had in the last two years), but two years later, can now place you as a Pastor in an entirely different area. Just sayin’.
Take Care, Father Dave. Thank you again, for twelve years of wonderful leadership at St. Paschal’s, for the vision and successful growth of the University and for an enlightening and memorable trip to the Holy Land.
Warmest Regards, Linda Travis
Fr. Dave,
You have many gifts and you have allowed HIm to do great work through you. here.
The People at St. Bruno’s have been blessed with a great leader.
You will be greatly missed.
Congratulations on your assignment and renewed journey in Whittier.
We are thankful for your spiritual and intellectual leadership here, and are glad to know that others will be introduced to your loving guidance.
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Jesus the Carpenter definitely knows fishing and knows where to place precious priests as well!! for a fabulous catch!!!!!You will do beautifully at St. Bruno’s and how special to have enjoyed your time there as a Deacon, baptizing and performing marriages!!! Your lovely people at St. Bruno’s will be sooooooooooooooooo blessed to have you!!We will miss you soooooooooooo much here in Westlake and the Conejo but your love and presence will always be in our hearts!!!! Please come and visit us and we will hopefully visit you!!!
Ciao, a most beautiful life to you sharing Jesus’ precious love!!!as you have so beautifully shared it with us!!
We loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you!!!
Love, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Father Dave, It is a delight reading everyones precious comments!!!
You are soooooooooooooooooo loved!!!
Love, Franca and Dick
These Gospel reflections will continue!
Through the University series I found renew interest in studying the Bible. I am divorced and have not found my place in a community Catholic church. I have loved the way you envelope an audience. I wish the archdiocese would recognize your value by teaching thousands of Catholics with a national television series on Catholic historical and archeology places or a radio show that takes a book of the Bible and tells it in historical stories. I just do not get while priests that make a difference are transferred out of the area.
I appreciate your comments. I will do my best to inaugurate University Series style programs in the new area where I will be located.
Fr. Dave,
I know for sure that Jesus Is watching after you. He has given you amazing and unique gifts so that you could speak about Him to those that he puts in your path. He has show.n his amazing love in a concrete way and he is not quitting now. He is simply sending you to where you are more needed. You will be blessed even more.
I am sad to see you go and that I did not get to know you better. Thank you for your presence at St Rose! I know you will be missed!
Many blessings,
Thank you so much for your message! I very much enjoy being here at St. Rose. This is a great parish with great people.
Father Dave, I should not be sad for your departure to Whittier because that is what The Holy Spirit is asking of you but I am, but also know that you are such an inspiration for many people (you have been for me and my son) but I am happy for the parishioners at St Bruno to have this opportunity in their lives to learn more and grow their faith in our lord Jesus having you there.
You do remaing in our prayers and deep in our hearts though for always.
Thank you so much for your very kind comments, Joe. God sends us all in different directions at time that we do not expect, just as Peter found out in today’s Gospel. I will learn from him!
Our first reaction to reading about your assignment as pastor at St. Bruno’s was how wonderfully blessed they are! But we were certainly blessed by your assignment to St. Paschal’s, your home parish.
When I lose touch with friends as I age, I begin to think of the many ways I could have profited from the relationship that were not pursued to my great loss. This certainly applies to your time here with us at St. Paschal’s. I hope I have learned to do, not just think about doing, the things I believe our good God is calling me to do.
Many blessings to you for this opportunity to express my thoughts on you new assignment!
Thank you for your heartfelt message! The years bring so many changes, and we often adjust slowly to them. I know that happens to me! I am profoundly grateful for the years I spent at St. Paschal’s, both as a child growing up there, and then later remarkably as pastor. I am grateful for your friendship as well.
I’m happy for you & am sure you will do great things there as you do everywhere! Thank you for the University Series you founded. I look foreword to it every Lenten Season.
Are you still planning to continue the Holy Land tours? If so, my wife & I would possibly like to join you next year.
Thanks for your message! yes, the Holy Land tours will continue every year for sure. You will always be able to find out all the information at my website at daveheney.com.
Father Dave -The wisdom and inspiration you provide all of us has no limits nor boundaries!
John Wooden was known as the Wizard of Westwood; you will now be known as the Wizard of Whittier !
Thanks for sharing all of your gifts!
I knew you would come with a great title! I am closer to your area so I am sure there is a game of golf or two in the future.
Father Dave: I need to get a map to find Whittier. I was certainly wishing along with many others that the Archbishop would remember your work in Ventura County. and assign you locally. You began the University series here, developed a stellar parish school, brought us so many outstanding speaker events and visiting priests for masses, gave us Father Joe and always left us with positive gospel reflections.
You know how to be a priest.
I am sad for us that you are going to Whittier ..too far away. However, this is what God wants. He knows best.
I am so grateful for the years when you were our beloved pastor. Thank you for all you have done for us.
Georgette Bremer
Thank you so much for your very kind message. I hope to replicate the University Series in that area as well as keep the present system going here. Quite a challenge!
Dear Father Dave, Just as so many of your friends have expressed, I am very sad to see you leave the Conejo Valley. However, I wish you many blessings at St. Bruno’s. My son lives in Whittier and I just told him how fortunate he is to have you as his new Pastor.
Thank you for all you have done for us during your tenure here. I will always treasure my Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with you. You will be missed by many.
The Holy Land Pilgrimages are some of my best memories. I look forward to meeting your son in Whittier.
So sorry to hear you are laving the neighborhood , Fr. Dave! We were hoping you would be assigned
to St.Max. Hopefully we;ll keep in touch with your wonderful commentaries!
I taught school at St. Bruno for eight years and loved it there. Our good friend Fr. Mike was pastor
there and is now pastor of St. Bartholomew in Long Beach..
Like the disciples you are a true follower of Jesus! May the Lord give you joy and peace
in your new assignment!
Small world that you were at St. Bruno’s! Thank you for your kind words.
Fr. Dave–I got to know you and St Paschal’s, went on the choir trip to Italy, and when I came back to St Rose, you were here, too. I always look forward to your teaching homilies and will miss hearing them in person. Hopefully you will continue to post here each week.
I pray the folks at St. Bruno will appreciate you as much as we do.
Yes, I can assure you these reflections will continue each week. I so much enjoy writing them, and especially glad that you find them helpful.
Father Dave, It was great knowing you for your too short time at St. Rose. Rich and I wish you the best.
Thank you!
Hello Fr Dave, My name is Martha and I am from St Bruno’s. We are very sad to see Fr Don leave our parish because we were really blessed having him. On the other hand, we are blessed AGAIN we are having you as our pastor. It was great to read all those wonderful comments and we are all excited to meet you. We will pray for you and Fr Don.
Thank you for your kind words of welcome! I have met Fr. Don before and he is a great priest. I am honored to continue his great work.
Hello Father Dave,
Ignatius published a book by Andre Ravier, S.J. entitled SAINT BRUNO THE CARTHUSIAN. I will offer you the book when I see you, in case you don’t have a biography on the founder of the Carthusians. What a fine patron you have in your new Church….and surely Our Lord will add many contemplative blessings to you,. This will surely become a very great grace for you. I am sure of it.
Peace, and gratitude for your goodness to all of us both in St. P:aschal’s and St. Rose’s. Madeleine
Thank you for the book on St. Bruno. I look forward to reading about his remarkable spiritual life!
Boy, I eally got a lot out of this message. I didn’ have a chance to write anything til after Mass. Fr. Joe also gave me more to think about., It also went along with the Torah reflections this week.
We will be missing you and I hope you continue these reflections. It has been a great experience. I do hope that the University will still continue and you can expand it in the Whittier area. This is so needed. I only wished I could have gone to some more of the meetings. Maybe next year. I expect great things from you.
Yes, the University and my weekly reflections will continue!
You are obviously very loved and respected.
Add Larry and Kathy to the list.
Congrats and best of luck on your new assignment.
Thank you as always for your kind comments. I will take all of these comments with me to St. Bruno’s.
Father Dave, you relate your vocational re-assignment seamlessly to this gospel. Perhaps our Lord feels it is time for you to cast your net into a larger pool. From the moment Rick and I met you at Saint Paschal’s we knew you had a special calling. We enjoyed the University Series and believe the program will garner continued success on a global scale. You will be greatly missed.
Thank you! Yes, it is my plan to offer the University Series in Whittier as well as continue to strengthen it here as well. I am so happy that so many people have found the University Series so helpful.
Fr. Dave, you have been a treasure and joy for all of us in the Thousand Oaks community. Your new community is very fortunate to have you, and I wish you happiness, peace and success. We will continue to reunite with you every Lent during the University series, and I look forward to our upcoming Holy Land trip.
Thank you for your comments. See you soon in Jerusalem!
Father DAve, I know you are a great fisherman and you will do well whereever you are sent! You have been a blessing to our family and we hope you will come back to see us.! Please know you are in our prayers. Thank you for sharing you insights of the readings. You make them come alive!!!
You are most welcome!
Fr. Dave, we wish you and your parish many blessings like you gave us in our parish. We hope to still get your reflections from you so we can stay in touch with you. God bless you and love and prayers for you and a prayer for your dad too. Ed and Barbara
I can assure you that the weekly reflections will continue!
Pat and I thank you for the many wonderful years under your guidance at St. Paschal and will miss you. We wish you continued success in your new assignment p. s. You won’t be too far away from Industry Hills. Bring your A game.
Love,, Dave & Pat Mueller
Yes, golf is everywhere! I will bring my “A” game to golf, and St. Bruno’s!
Congratulations on your new assignment. In the next few months the parishioners at St. Bruno’s will learn how very fortunate they are in having a wonderful, inspirational priest assigned to replace their current, much respected pastor. We know that you will do another great job leading a parish, and will be welcomed with open arms.
You have been very helpful with me in assisting in projects that I have undertaken. I thank you for your substantial assistance.
Get ready, all you parishioners at St. Bruno’s – a very positive man and a great priest is headed your way. Lucky you!
You are very kind in your comments. Fortunately, the internet make collaboration on important projects easy.